SE Christian School Convention

Glen will be presenting a General Session and several workshops.  For information about the Convention contact NCCSA, SCACS or GACS.

Worldview Symposium

Glen will be part of a team of speakers who will present sessions on worldview formation to Christian educators in attendance.  It is sponsored by Precept Marketing Group.

Annual Banquet

Glen will be speaking at Renewnation's Annual Banquet in Roanoke, VA.  For information about the banquet contact Renewanation.

25th Anniversary Banquet

Glen will be  speaking at Faith Christian Academy's 25th Anniversary Dinner.  For information about the banquet, please contact Faith Christian Academy.

Worldview Symposium

Glen will be part of a team that will be presenting a worldview symposium sponsored by BJU Press at the Creation Museum in KY>

Leadership Training

Glen will be conducting training for the Leadership Team and Board at Cambridge Christian School.