Kingdom Education™ Ministries

Restoring Individuals – Empowering Parents – Engaging the Church – Transforming Schools


Kingdom Education™ Summit 2023

Two Locations To Choose From!

Dates: July 11-13, 2023

Location: North Raleigh Christian Academy, Raleigh, NC

Dates: July 26-28, 2023

Location: Northwest Christian School, Phoenix AZ

Who should attend: 

  • Christian School Leaders (heads, principals, board members, directors)
  • Pastors and Assistant Pastors
  • Individual Christians Committed to Educating Future Generations Biblically

The Summit’s Goal:

Each Kingdom Education™ Summit is designed to empower parents, engage the church, and equip Christian educators to make disciples of the next generation. In order to accomplish this goal, Christian parents, church leaders, and educators must understand Kingdom Education™. Then they must be able to apply and advance Kingdom Education™ in the entire educational process.

We Are At A Tipping Point!

In a recent study done by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, Dr. George Barna found that today’s church is creating new worldviews that are only loosely tied to the biblical teachings that have traditionally defined them.  American Christianity is rapidly conforming to the values of the post-Christian secular culture.

The findings from this study are particularly troubling for the younger generations.  Even though 6 out of 10 millennials consider themselves to be Christians, only 2% possess a biblical worldview.  Between 52 and 69% percent of this generation reject the idea that there is absolute moral truth.  75% percent of millennials believe that all people are basically good.

Our children and grandchildren are being bombarded my lies from secular education and media. It has been reported that close to 40% of Gen Z identify with LGBTQ ideology.

Everyone forms his/her worldview from the education he/she receives at home, church and school.  There is obviously a problem with the education that future generations are receiving.  Something needs to change!

Why a Summit?

If you have ever had the experience of climbing to the summit of a mountain, you were no doubt taken in by the majestic view of God’s creation from this high vantage point.  From a summit, one can see all the pieces that make up the big picture.  This is the goal of the Kingdom Education™ Summit.

Pastors, church leaders, school administrators, board members and individual Christians who want to catch a glimpse of God’s plan for educating future generations will dig into Scripture and address the issue of education biblically.  This will be a time to not only see God’s big picture for educating future generations but also the role that individuals, the home, church and school need to play.

Together, we will dissect the 14 biblical principles of Kingdom Education™ to see how these truths from Scripture apply to the education that takes place at home, church and school.  The goal of the Summit is to begin to develop strategies that parents, church leaders and educators can embrace to be more intentional in making disciples of all nations.

We need pastors, school leaders and individuals who are committed to biblically educating future generations to join us this coming June in one of two locations.  Let’s climb to the summit and see God’s big picture for the education of our children and youth.

General Schedule:  Click Here

Registration Fees:

  • KEM Prime Members (1st person from organization)  $199
  • KEM Prime Members (addtional persons)                      $159
    • Not a KEM Prime Member?  Join now!  Use discount coupon KESDISC21 and receive a special discount!
  • Non-KEM Prime Members (1st person)
    • Early Bird  (Extended early bird rate until May 31, 2023)  $225
    • After May 31, 2023                        $275
  • Non-KEM Prime Members (additional persons)  $199

Registration includes:  Participation in all Summit sessions, materials, 2 lunches and 1 dinner.

The National Alliance of Christian Schools (former SBACS) is offering grant money to its member schools to help cover the cost of attending the Summit.  To learn more about this benefit click HERE.

Questions?  Email Glen Schultz at

Registration Now Open!