Dr. Luke Bowers
Executive Director
Dr. Bowers has been in education for 27 years, serving as a teacher, principal, and superintendent. Dr. Bowers holds a doctorate in ministry and masters in Christian school administration. Dr. Bowers has 2 daughters and has been married to Erin for 27 years. Dr. Bowers believes this about kingdom education…
“As we pray for God’s kingdom to come and his will to be done, then we must be sure that Christ reigns in every area of our lives. When we train up a generation of young people who see God’s world through God’s word, then we will see God’s will done in the hearts of future generations.”

Mr. Tim Euler
Executive Director
Mr. Euler has been in education for 25 years, serving as a coach, teacher, principal, and head of school. Mr. Euler holds a masters degree in educational leadership. Mr. Euler has 3 children, been married to Diana for 26 years, and has 3 grandchildren. Mr. Euler believes this about kingdom education…
“Children will be discipled by default or design. Either the world will disciple them or we will. That is why as parents, the church, and the school, we must create intentional plans to disciple the next generation. The time is now to create kingdom-minded individuals that desire to bring God glory in all they do.”