A Peculiar People

It was a weekend that I will never forget.  It was in the midst of the COVID pandemic, August of 2020, that Dr. Glen Schultz invited myself and Tim Euler to his home for the weekend. The purpose of this weekend was to pray and talk through what God was leading us to do in the years to come.  As most smart people would do, we came with an agenda so that we would stay on point and could check off the boxes as we completed each item on the agenda.  However, it wasn’t long into our time together that we scraped the agenda and truly sought the Lord for what He would have us do to advance His Kingdom.

It was during that weekend that we really sensed the Lord leading us to focus on the following needs:

 Restoring the Individual

Restoring the individual by establishing an understanding of kingdom education and deepening one’s knowledge of God.

Empowering Parents

Empowering parents to fulfill their God-given mandate of providing their children with a biblical worldview education, resulting in them becoming disciples of Jesus Christ.

Engaging Churches

Engaging church leaders to address the issue of education biblically and equip parents to fulfill their God-given mandate to educate children biblically.

Transforming Schools

Transforming Christian schools by challenging educators and leaders to know, understand, and embrace Kingdom Education™.

As we fast forward to today, we are confident, now more than ever, that God will use the message of Kingdom Education to strengthen these four areas.  As I continue to pray through what God wants for the individual, home, church, and school, I am convinced that the thread that runs through all of these, is you and I.

In I Peter 2:9, Peter reminds us of who we are in Christ; “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people (a people for His own possession); that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” 

 James K. A. Smith piggybacks on this verse when he says, “…the primary goal of Christian education is the formation of a peculiar people— a people who desire the Kingdom of God and thus undertake their vocations as an expression of that desire.”

 I believe that as God calls people to Himself, restoring individuals to a right relationship with Him, He will use His own possessions to advance His Kingdom.  I believe these individuals will become peculiar parents who train up disciples for Christ.  I believe these individuals will become engaged in their local churches and equipped to make disciples of Jesus Christ.  I believe these individuals will be used by God to transform Christian schools across the globe; helping train up a generation of peculiar people who will impact the culture and world for Christ.

May this start today, as we live as peculiar people for Christ!

Luke Bowers

Author Luke Bowers

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