Are Your Ears Seeking Knowledge?

Summer is here! It is hard to believe that another school year is over. As I reflect back on this year, I am constantly amazed by how God has been so good to me and Kingdom Education Ministries.

Yesterday, I preached at my home church with the main texts taken from Proverbs 18:15, Hosea 4:1,6 and Isaiah 4:13-14. These verses caused me to pause and reflect on where we are in today’s world. The writer of Proverbs states that,

The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.

Here we find that a person who has understanding is able to acquire or obtain knowledge. It also tells us that a wise person’s ear will actually seek out knowledge.

However, God had much to say about how His people were suffering for the lack of knowledge; they weren’t wise or prudent. You are probably familiar with Hosea 4:6 where God says,

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you…

God also explained why Israel found itself in captivity when He said,

Therefore my people have gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge; Isaiah 5:13

This is exactly what we are facing today. Christians are being destroyed for lack of knowledge and we are being taken captive because we lack knowledge. We look around and we are broken by a rash of mass shootings in grocery stores, schools, crowded streets and even in churches. Almost 2,000 babies are murdered each day in abortions that take place all across the nation. Suicide rates are skyrocketing.

We need to understand that many Christians find themselves captive to false ideologies. We see hatred and prejudice between people simply because of one’s skin color. We have allowed the false ideas found in social justice, gender identity and wokeness to creep into our churches and take many of us captive.

We are facing exactly what the Israelites faced in the times of the OT prophets — and for the same reason. We are lacking knowledge. Oh, we know a lot of stuff. We even consider ourselves very educated as more people have college and postgraduate degrees than ever before.

However, just like the nation of Israel during Hosea’s day, we have lost the ability to discern what is really important that we need to know. Hosea 4:1 explains what knowledge the people lacked that was causing them to be destroyed.

Hear the word of the Lord, you children of Israel, for the Lord brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land: “There is no truth or mercy or knowledge of God in the land.

Israel was being destroyed not because they didn’t know anything. They were being destroyed and taken into captivity because they did not know what was most important to know. They didn’t know God!

When we read that there was no knowledge of God in the land, we have to understand that God is not talking about a geographical area of the earth. In the land refers to Israel, God’s people. Today, it would mean that there is no knowledge of God in the church.

It might be true that we know a lot about God but we don’t know Him like a husband knows his wife or a child knows his/her father/mother.

This is why I am becoming more and more convinced that one of the biblical principles of Kingdom Education™ may be the most important one. This one principle needs to have top priority in the education a child receives at home, church and school. Simply stated, it reads,

The education of children and youth must have as its primary focus the increase in the knowledge of God.

I am burdened when I see parents, church leaders and Christian educators putting so much emphasis on children and youth learning a lot of “academic” knowledge but very little attention to them increasing in the knowledge of God. This is going to be where I will be putting my attention and effort in the days and months to come.

I am so thankful for the many subscribers who have faithfully read these weekly posts and shared them with others over the past 8.5 years. However, the percentage of subscribers who read them compared to the total number who receive them has dwindled significantly over the past several months.

It seems we just don’t have the time to sit down and read. Therefore, I am going to be putting most of my energies into my new podcast Kingdom Currents (you can click on any of the links to go to the first episode where you will be able to browse all episodes that are available). I am hoping that people will be able to tune in and listen to this podcast while driving to work or going about their everyday activities.

I have found that I can go into greater detail and depth in a 20-30 minute podcast than I can in a blog. I am also able to conduct some interviews with others who are out there on the front lines of today’s culture war.

I ask for your prayers as I tackle this new endeavor. I also covet your prayers as I will be conducting two Kingdom Education™ Summits over the next 3 weeks. The Summits may be the most important events I have ever conducted during my 54+ years in education. The need for parents, church leaders and Christian educators to understand and know how to apply Kingdom Education™ in the home, church and school is of utmost importance.

I am also asking you to consider attending one of the Summits as it is not to late to register. It is my prayer that many of you will go to Kingdom Currents on your favorite podcast platform. Please subscribe and give Kingdom Currents a review to help get the word out.

Again, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my blogs. I have been blessed and encouraged by so many comments that have been shared by you at various times. I am certain I will be posting some more blogs in the future but it is time for me to focus on Kingdom Currents and the Summits during the next couple of months.

May God bless you as you are refreshed and renewed during your summer break.


Author RenewaNation

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