Focus on the Why

By March 9, 2025Public Blog

It is easy these days to get caught up in the “weeds” of everyday life and lose sight of why God has placed us on this earth for such a time as this. For those of you serving faithfully in Christian schools, the days can become full of tasks like these, which end up consuming our time, energy, and emotions:

  • The constant flow of emails filled with information, commitments, concerns, complaints, and more.
  • The endless cycle of paperwork and reports that seem never-ending, as we finish one task and move on to the next.
  • Meetings that consume hours of each day.
  • The latest “fire” or “crisis” that needs to be addressed.
  • Event after event, whether it be a sporting event, concert, or other school activity.
  • The continuous demand to plan for what is ahead, and then plan for what comes after that.
  • Tracking budgets, enrollment, expectations, and more.
  • Ongoing classroom demands, observations, lesson development, grading, and presentations.
  • And the list goes on.

Dr. Stephen Reel, in his book Clear Focus, says that when we get caught in this hectic rhythm, “existing to exist becomes the prevailing motivation.”

The solution to this issue lies in being reminded of the Christ-centered “why” behind everything we do. A. W. Tozer said in The Pursuit of God, “It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular; it is why he does it. The motive is everything. Let a man sanctify the Lord God in his heart, and he can thereafter do no common act.”

God used Peter to pen the following words: “Therefore, I will always be ready to remind you of these things, even though you already know them, and have been established in the truth which is present in you. I consider it right…to stir you up by way of reminder.”

As we enter this busy time of year and speed downhill toward the finish line, my prayer is that you recall the great purpose for which God has called you: the work of Kingdom Education. The work of leading a child to Christ, building them up in Christ, and equipping them to serve Christ, so that He may be glorified in and through them.

In the weeks to come, I hope to continue to remind you of the “why” behind God’s call to this great work.

Luke Bowers

Author Luke Bowers

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