Some Challenging Questions

It is hard to believe that another school year is almost over.  In fact, several schools held graduation exercises this past weekend.  As this school year draws to a close, several questions have been on my mind.  These questions are critical to the success of our efforts to provide Kingdom Education™ to our children and youth.

A couple of weeks ago, I was doing an inservice with a Christian school staff.  At one point I asked the teachers a question and was somewhat taken back by the quick answers I received.  Here is what I asked them.

Why does your school teach the subjects they do and in the sequence in which they are taught?

Immediately, a couple of teachers shouted out an answer at the same time.  Their answers were these simple words — state and national standards.  A few seconds later another teacher said we teach what we do so students can get a diploma.  Both of these responses are important to Christian educators.  However, I would also expect to get similar responses if I were addressing teachers that were in secular educational programs.

So, here are some questions that I believe are essential to the core mission of Christian education.  Most of these questions are also applicable to parents and church leaders in their efforts to make disciples of the next generation.

  1. How has your students’ knowledge of God increased from what they have studied in your classes this year?
  2. How are your students more mature/complete in Christ because they have been under your teaching this year? (See Colossians 1:28)
  3. In what ways are the students more prepared for life by having you as a teacher, coach or administrator?
  4. In what ways are the students more prepared for eternity by having you as a teacher, coach or administrator?
  5. Did you present the gospel to your students during the year?
  6. What do your students think you believe about God, creation, mankind, knowledge, moral order, purpose and the future by being in your classes this year?
  7. In what ways did your teaching of your subjects differ from what students would have received in a secular school?
  8. Can you list three things you wanted every one of your students to know by being under your teaching or coaching?  If you answered yes, what are they?  How successful were you in getting them to know these things?
  9. Apart from the level of academics, facilities, and/or programs, what distinguished you and your school as a Christian school this year?

These are some daunting questions.  But they get to the heart of Kingdom Education™.  Unfortunately, there are many parents, pastors and Christian educators who would struggle to answer these questions from a biblical perspective if asked.  This is why I am so excited about this summer’s Kingdom Education™ Summit.  It is absolutely essential that parents, pastors, and Christian educators address the issue of education biblically.

At the Summit, we will be taking a deep dive into the Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview and the Essential Principles of a Biblical Philosophy of Education.  Then, the participants will develop specific strategies that will empower parents, engage the church and transform schools, all through Kingdom Education™.

The Summit is not an event where people will come and practice the three S’s that are common at many conferences—sit, soak, and sour.  It will be a time when we strive to fully understand God’s plan for educating future generations and develop strategies that will put Kingdom Education™ into practice in the home, church and school.

If you haven’t registered yet for the Summit, do so today.  It is filling up quickly and I am excited to see not only Christian school leaders but also pastors and other church leaders coming to the Summit.  We still need YOU to be there and help us get a deeper understanding of Kingdom Education™.  CLICK TO LEARN MORE & REGISTER!


Author RenewaNation

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