A Good Summer Activity

This will be my last post for a few weeks.  I will be taking some time to get alone with the Lord and listen to what He has to say to me about the future.  I have often found that taking time to be refreshed leads to being recharged and reignited about serving the Lord.

One activity that I believe is essential to effective ministry is that of reading good books.  Of course, the most important book to read is God’s Word, the Bible, and it must be the filter through which all other books pass through.

I can remember on several occasions that Dr. Falwell would have Charles Tremendous Jones come to the church and schools to speak.  He would always say the same thing at the start of every message.

You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.

Of course, I read all the time, not just during the summer.  Over the past 2-3 months, several books have really impacted by thinking and, therefore, my life and ministry.  I want to share these books with you and hope that you may find them to be both challenging and encouraging.

I have always enjoyed reading books written by Dr. Erwin Lutzer, former pastor of Moody Church.  His book, When a Nation Forgets God, challenged me several years ago.  Over the past couple of years, he has written two books that I believe every Christian needs to read.  They are: (Click HERE to order)

  • The Church in Babylon: Heeding the Call to Be a Light in the Darkness
  • We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture’s Assault on Christianity

There are two books that were just released that are strong biblical treatises on the importance of education.  The first one is by Darrow Miller entitled, Don’t Let Schooling Stand in the Way of Education.  Miller is joined by several other writers in laying out the case for the importance of children receiving a biblical education.  Click Here for more information.

Another book that presents a powerful challenge to parents and church leaders concerning the education that they are giving to their children is by my good friend, Dr. Alan Pue.  Rethinking Discipleship: Why Christian Schooling Matters spells out how Christians must recapture the biblical command to make disciples of all nations.  Again, this is one of the must reads for all Christians who are concerned with how the world is taking the majority of our children captive to its ways and purposes.  To order click Here.

Two final recommendations that will help Christians navigate through the dangerous times we find ourselves in are:

  • Fautlines: The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe by Voddie T. Baucham Jr. (Click Here to order)
  • Why Social Justice Is Not Biblical Justice: An Urgent Appeal to Fellow Christians in a Time of Social Crisis by Scott David Allen (Click Here to order)

If you would like some further reading enjoyment, I would also encourage you to consider:

  • Excellence: The Character of God and the Pursuit of Scholarly Virtue by Andreas J. Kostenberger
  • The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards by Steven J. Lawson

I mention these specific titles because the authors are very deliberate to write from a solid biblical foundation.  As I mentioned earlier in this article, the more books written by man, even Christians, that one reads, the more time one must spend in God’s Word.  I pray that these resources will be a blessing to you as you take time to be refreshed, recharged and renewed in the days ahead.

Please pray for me as I will be presenting at the VIP Worldview Conference presented by BJ Press and Precept Marketing next week.  It will be held at the WWII Museum in New Orleans.  Immediately following this conference, I will be conducting the very first Kingdom Education™ Summit July 7-9 in Shreveport.  I believe that the Summit will be the most important event that I have ever been involved in over my 50+ years in education.  For more information you can Click Here or email jayci.trexler@wogacademy.org.

I pray you will have a wonderful and blessed summer.  See you in the Fall!


Author kingdomeducationministries

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