Why Kingdom Education

Why Kingdom Education?

Dr. Luke Bowers

Many times when I have the opportunity to travel and speak with Kingdom school leaders and educators, I ask this one simple question:

What is Christian education for?  Or, put another way, what do we desire to get out of Christian education?

The answers that I usually get are along these lines:

Train up a Godly generation

Develop a Biblical Worldview

Impact the culture for Christ

Live and Share the Gospel

Mature Christian Leaders

I then follow up with one more simple question: Are we, as Christian educators, getting what we want?  Several authors, both past and present, would agree that we are not getting what we want, to the extent we want:

“The Christian in general and the Christian school in particular, itself has been so heavily drenched with humanism that it is unable to create a viable alternative.”-Jay Adams

“While parents and cultural leaders have proclaimed victory and superiority by pointing to evaluations that show our children to be getting higher grades, competitive test scores, sports trophies, and musical accolades, Satan has laughed his head off, knowing that we have refused to measure our (lack of) production of spiritual fruit.”– George Barna

I must say that I agree with Adams and Barna’s assessment.  We currently live in a world where a true Biblical worldview is declining quickly and in its place is a self-centered worldview, echoing what we see in Judges, that everyone can do what is “right in their own eyes.” We see this in our broken homes, shrinking churches, a consumer-driven mentality, identity confusion, and the social media crazed and anxious world in which we spend most of our time.

These realities are why the Biblical truths, at the heart of Kingdom Education, are needed now more than ever before. To truly lead our children to Christ and build them up to serve and glorify Christ, we must get back to Christ reigning in every aspect of education and schooling.  At the heart of Kingdom Education is the desire to see lives transformed as minds are renewed by the power and word of God.

The “why” of Kingdom Education is that Christ would reign and be glorified in every area of our lives. I have no doubt that when God’s word is at the heart of it all, we will see God’s Spirit doing a work in future generations that will transform lives, homes, churches, and schools, to the glory of God!


Author kingdomeducationministries

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