Worldview & Education

By April 18, 2021Public Blog

There is no doubt about it.  One’s worldview impacts a child’s education.  As Christians, we should strive to make sure that a biblical worldview informs the education we give our children and youth.  Everything we teach our children and youth, whether it is at home, church or school, must be done in the context of a biblical worldview.

Over the past several months I have attempted to identify some essential truths of a biblical worldview.  Through my study of Scripture, I have found Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview.  These Essential Truths fall into the three components of a biblical worldview: Creation, the Fall, and Redemption.  These truths are as follows:

Understanding Creation:

  • Essential Truth #1 — God is eternal both in His person and nature
  • Essential Truth #2 — God’s creation is an expression of who He is and exists for His glory
  • Essential Truth #3 — Man was created in God’s image to know God, multiply His image and perform a work for His glory

Understanding the Fall:

  • Essential Truth #4 — Sin entered the world and man no longer would know God and give Him glory by studying what He had made. Man lost his purpose!

Understanding Redemption:

  • Essential Truth #5 — Eternal life restores man’s purpose to know God and give Him glory
  • Essential Truth #6 — To glorify God, one must live in such a way that His character is displayed and His praise is increased.

All subjects should be taught within the context of these Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview.  But what does this actually look like in everyday teaching?  Allow me to share with you something I have been working on recently.  When this blog posts, I will have begun teaching four classes in history to middle school students.  Last year, I had the privilege of teaching high school biology, chemistry and physics at our local Christian school.  Now I have the opportunity to fill in for a teacher vacancy at this school in these middle school subjects.

I have had to ask myself a simple question.  How should these Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview inform the history classes that I will teaching until the end of the school year?  The first question I had to answer was this.   Where should all history begin in light of a biblical worldview?  The answer is found in Essential Truths #1-3.

To fully understand history, one must start at the beginning.  Understanding history must begin with students learning that an eternal, self-existing God spoke the world into existence in six days.  Students must also understand the “why” behind creation which will, in turn, lead students to learn that God started time (history) for His glory.

Students must also realize that the history of the human race began with God forming Adam out of the dust of the ground.  Then man became a living soul when God breathed His breath into man.  Thus, history began with creation and it is only understood when one understands these three Essential Truths.

If students studied history only through the lens of creation, they would be puzzled as to why there is so much evil taking place throughout all of human history.  That is why Essential Truth #4 must also be grasped in order for students to fully understand and learn about history.

The Fall was the result of a cosmic battle between good and evil, God and Satan.  Therefore, all of human history must be viewed within the context of this cosmic battle that is always taking place behind the scenes.

Ever since the terrible day in the Garden when sin entered the world, history is rife with evil and hurt.  This is because history is the recording of man’s actions based on one’s beliefs or worldview.  Since every one of us is born in sin, we all do bad things.  We sometimes ignore certain realities in history that show the sinfulness of all people, even with those who were strong Christians.

When God gives us a history lesson in His Word, He doesn’t spare the reality of sin.  Reading about the lives of Abraham, Jacob, David, Peter, Paul and others, God presents the good, the bad and the ugly sides of these godly saints.  True history is a reminder that the entire creation groans under the curse of sin.

Finally, history must include the truths about redemption.  Yes, we live in a fallen world and we are all sinners by nature.  However, God has not forsaken His creation, including mankind.  God does not want any one to die in their sins and enter into eternal damnation.  Therefore, God sent His Son to shed His blood for our sins.

This is why any history we teach our children must be grounded in Essential Truths #5-6.  Eternal life restores our God-given purpose of knowing and glorifying Him in all of life.  These Essential Truths should shape any and all history that we teach to our children and youth.

However, these Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview must be applied to all education.  As you contemplate the depth of these truths, how will they shape your thinking and your teaching?  Kingdom Education™ requires that a biblical worldview undergirds and informs the entire educational process.




Author RenewaNation

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  • Mark Kennedy says:

    “History is bunk.” Henry Ford (cited in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” as an excuse for altering history to advance a specific political agenda).
    “History is a myth agreed upon.” Napoleon (same idea)
    “What is truth?” Pontius Pilate
    It seems paradoxical that the man whose cowardice permitted Jesus crucifixion should raise such a fundamental question for all of life and learning -especially since he sent the one who embodied the answer to the cross. That’s why the principles you describe are so important.