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The Danger of Forgetting

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You may have heard the old adage before. Too many people forget what they should remember and remember things they should forget. I have found this to be very true in my own life. Paul addressed the need to forget certain things in his letter to the Philippian Christians.

Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.      Philippians 3:13-14 (NKJV)

It is important that Christians do not dwell on the past but continually move forward in an effort to serve Christ faithfully here on earth. I cannot change the past or will I ever have the opportunity to relive it. However, the future is always before me and I don’t have to repeat past mistakes.

Even though it is important to forget some things, it is equally important to remember certain things. I have been reading and rereading Psalm 106 over the past several weeks. I was gripped by this Psalm and how it is so applicable to what I see going on in the world today.

The Psalm begins by praising God for His goodness and lovingkindness. It also stresses how God blesses those who “keep justice” and “practice righteousness.” If that isn’t needed in today’s world, I don’t know what is.

However, in verse 6 there is a shift away from the character of God to the sinfulness of God’s people.

We have sinned with our fathers, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly. Our fathers in Egypt did not understand Your wonders; they did not remember the multitude of Your mercies, but rebelled by the sea—the Red Sea. Psalm 106:6-7 (NKJV)

God had done many miracles in their sight and had brought them out of bondage in Egypt. Even though He had shown the people His awesome power, it didn’t take them long to forget all that He had done. In fact, they seemed to have completely forgot what God had done for them by the time they arrived at the Red Sea.

They soon forgot His works; they did not wait for His counsel, but lusted exceedingly in the wilderness, and tested God in the desert. Psalm 106:13-14 (NKJV)

This brings me to the main point of this blog. It is very dangerous to forget God’s works! When God’s people forget His works, it leads to a series of practices that carry with them terrible consequences. Here are some of the things that Israel did when they forgot God’s works.

  • They craved things of the world which resulted in God giving them what they wanted. When God gives us what we lust for, it always brings heartache and becomes our own discipline (see Jeremiah 2:19). (verses 14-15)
  • They rejected God’s leaders and many died as a result. (verses 16-18)
  • They made their own god and were only saved from destruction by Moses’ intercession. (verses 19-23)
  • They did not believe God’s Word and a whole generation died in the wilderness. (verses 24-26)
  • Finally, they intermarried with the culture and ended up in captivity to the very nations they had “mingled with.” (verses 35-41)

All of these things started when God’s people simply forgot His works. As I have studied this passage of Scripture, I see some of these same things happening among God’s people today. Consider the following.

  • We have forgotten many of God’s amazing works that He performed in the founding of this country and how He blessed it over the years.
  • This has led us to crave the things of this world more than Him and He has given us prosperity to such a degree that it is fast becoming our destruction.
  • We have forsaken godly leadership and have instead chosen leaders who completely ignore God and His Word.
  • We no longer believe that God’s Word is sufficient for all matters of life and faith and believe that we have to use man’s writings to help us understand and interpret the Bible.
  • We have intermarried with the culture to such a degree that it is hard to distinguish us from the secularists that are our neighbors. At a recent worldview conference I was speaking at, Dr. George Barna reported that the most common religion in America today is a syncretic one. We have intermingled with the nations.

Forgetting God’s works carries with it disastrous consequences. However, this doesn’t begin at a national level. It begins in the individual Christian’s life. A nation doesn’t forget God’s works unless the people of the nation first forget them. The same is true in our homes, churches and schools. It is crucial that each of us remembers the marvelous works of God that He has performed to bring us into His family.

Remembering God’s works must play a major role in the education we give our children at home, church and school. As a new generation of administrators and teachers move into our Christian schools, they must be taught the awesome works that God has performed in the past to make our schools what they are today.

We cannot allow ourselves to crave the trappings of secular education and forsake a biblical philosophy of education. We must protect our schools from mingling with the false ideologies that are taught in schools of education, presented in secular textbooks and sometimes tied to accreditation and certification standards. We must believe that God’s Word is the only source of absolute truth and must view every thing that man writes through the lens of Scripture.

Psalm 106 ends by giving us hope for the future. This hope is only found in God alone.

Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the Gentiles, to give thanks to Your holy name, to triumph in Your praise. Psalm 106:47 (NKJV)

Our only hope is to cry out to God to save us. May He separate us from the world as we live in this world. We must also have the right motivation for God to save us. It is not so our lives will be easier. It must be so that we will give Him thanks and praise Him no matter what we may be facing.

As we come out of a Thanksgiving break and enter into the Christmas season, may we remember the grandest of all of God’s works. This is the work God did by coming to this earth, becoming one of us, and dying on the cross for our sin only to come out of the grave and defeat sin and death. When we remember all of God’s works, our response will be that of the Psalmist when he ended this Psalm by writing the following words.

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting! And let all the people say, “Amen!” Praise the Lord!        Psalm 106:48 (NKJV)

Preparing Our Children For Life & Eternity

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Today we are engaged in a fiercely fought war.   One does not have to travel to Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran or some other part of the world to encounter the battle that is raging.  All one has to do is visit any home, church or community to find the war taking place in full force.

I refer to this war as a culture war.  A culture war is a war of ideas and the two sides are fighting for their ideas to be the driving force in everyone’s life.  The two sides have ideas that are in total opposition to one another.  The ideas of both sides in this war are trying to provide answers to the two most important questions in life.

  1. What is REAL?
  2. What is TRUTH?

One thing that we must all realize is that the major target in this culture war is the hearts and minds of our children.  Both sides want to capture our children and have them believe their ideas about reality and truth.  Paul reminds us of this battle in Colossians 2:8.

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.

The ideas that come from the tradition of men and the principles of the world want to take our children’s minds captive.  This is because when one’s mind is taken captive by ideas, those ideas drive the person’s attitudes and actions in every day life decisions.

The second reality of this war that we cannot overlook is that the major front of this war is being fought on educational turf.  The reason why this is true is because the main business of all education is the communication of ideas from the one doing the educating to the one receiving it.

When most of us think of education, we immediately narrow our thoughts to what takes place in a school. However, education involves what takes place in three very important institutions in every society – the home, the church and the school.

The home is still the most important influence on a child’s education.  Scripture makes it clear that parents have the greatest responsibility for what ideas are communicated to their children.  Deuteronomy 6, Psalm 78:1-7, Psalm 127:3-5, Proverbs 22:6, Ephesians 6:4 are just a few examples found in God’s Word that emphasize the truth that parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children.

The church also plays a significant role in educating a child.  The local church is God’s instrument to proclaim His kingdom to a lost world.  The Bible clearly teaches that the church is to teach, another word for educate, its members so that they are equipped to do the work of the ministry.  One of the most important “works of the ministry” is parenting the next generation of young people.  It is critical that the church come along side the home and provide support to parents in educating their children.

The third institution that plays a role in a child’s education is the school.  Schooling has a major influence on the education of a child.  A child attends school six-hours-a-day for 180 days a year.  This represents 1,080 hours each school year – a significant number of hours that a school has opportunity to communicate its ideas to the hearts and minds of our children.

Some parents who are reading this article might give a big sigh of relief at this point.  They can say to themselves that they are adequately preparing their children for the future because they are Christians, they attend a church and their children are in, what they believe to be, a good school.  However, every parent needs to understand what it takes to properly educate one’s children.

True education can be defined as the process of preparing a child intellectually, physically, socially and spiritually for life and eternity.  This means that we must make sure that the ideas that are communicated to our children through the home, church and school are preparing the total child not only for this life but also for eternity.

In the forward of my book, Kingdom Education, Josh McDowell makes a profound statement.

The ideal way to help our kids not only to reject the postmodern worldview (a set of ideas) but also embrace deepened Christian convictions is to align church, home, and school into a unified whole that arms our children with the truth and protects them from distortions.

According to McDowell, the key to winning the battle for the hearts and minds of our children is to align the home, church and school with a biblical philosophy of education. If we are going to win today’s culture war, we must give our full attention to all aspects of our children’s education.  It is absolutely necessary that the home, church and school are educating our children from a biblical worldview perspective.

Unfortunately, we have been losing the culture war over the past several decades. The world has been taking a majority of our children captive to its false beliefs and values. Many years ago, I came across a “little story” that explains why this is happening.

A Little Story

This is a story about four people named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, and NOBODY.

There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. 

ANYBODY could have done it, but NOBODY did it.  SOMEBODY got angry about that because it was EVERYBODY’s job. 

EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it, but NOBODY realized that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it.

It ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY

when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.

We can’t afford to repeat this “little story.” The home, church and school must come together and give our children a biblical worldview education. Anybody and everybody must do it!

A False Sense of Security

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The Debate That Turned An Election

You may have been like me last week and watched with interest the results of some elections that took place. What especially caught my attention was the gubernatorial race in the state of Virginia. Now, most of the time a governor’s race in a distant state wouldn’t garner much attention. However, last week’s race in Virginia had national attention because of what took place during a televised debate.

In that debate one candidate boldly proclaimed that parents had a right to be involved in their children’s education. The other candidate took the opposite position and actually said,

I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.

I wrote about this in an earlier blog. As the campaign came to its conclusion, the candidate who made this brash statement continued to double down on his belief that the state has the final authority in the education of children and youth. The other candidate even went so far as to promise voters that certain human ideologies would not be taught in the government schools if he were elected.

The results in this race sent shock waves all across the country. This is because the candidate who was little known and was predicted to lose by a large margin actually won convincingly. When Youngkin was declared the winner, it was noted that parents rose up and carried him across the finish line. One news report stated that Youngkin,

…seized on a late-stage stumble by McAuliffe, who during a debate suggested parents should have a minimal role in shaping school curriculums.

Let me state right up front that I was thankful that this election turned out the way it did. It did send a message that the education of children is the responsibility of parents and not the state. However, I am fearful that results like we saw in Virginia will give parents, especially Christian parents, a false sense of security. Allow me to explain.

Even if the governor elect in Virginia is successful in removing various teachings from the state’s schools, does it make secular education safer? I agree that some teachings such as CRT and social justice are grounded in an unbiblical worldview and are very dangerous ideologies to be taught to children and youth.

However, what is still a reality when it comes to public school education is that it has been completely secularized. Secular education, as I have written about many times, is in no way spiritually neutral. It denies or, at least, ignores the existence of God and, therefore, betrays its students. Futurist, Alvin Toffler, said it best when he wrote in the 1960s,

All education springs from some image of the future. If the image of the future held by society is inaccurate, its educational system will betray its youth.

American society is secular, period. Its view of the future does not include an eternity with heaven or hell as everyone’s eternal destiny. By believing that this life is all there is, today’s secular society has developed an educational system that will not only betray our youth but also will not prepare them for the real future as is set forth in Scripture.


I have witnessed some other things that happened in the past that caused Christians to have a false sense of security when it comes to the education of their children. I will only take time to mention one such occurrence. Quite a few years have passed since the very first See You At The Pole rallies occurred.

Since that time, students, teachers and parents have gathered outside around school flag poles to pray for students and their schools. Again, I want to clearly state that I am thankful for these sacred assemblies and the thousands of students who openly take a stand for God by participating in these important events.

When these were first taking place, I heard many Christians joyfully make statements that demonstrated their exuberance to see God and prayer brought back into the nation’s public schools. Unfortunately, no such thing ever happened. This is because once the time around the flag poles ended, students went into buildings to receive a totally secular education where the God that was just worshipped and prayed to remained at the flag pole.

I am encouraged that parents are now waking up and are willing to take responsibility for the education of their children. However, parental responsibility can’t be limited to how one votes. Parents must do everything in their power to make sure their children receive a biblically based, Christ centered education. Only then will we be able to give our children an education that will prepare them for the real future and not betray them.

I Was Challenged & Convicted!

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Last week I had the privilege of speaking at a VIP Worldview Conference sponsored by BJ Press and Precept Marketing. It was held at the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter.

One of the highlights of these conferences is to hear from some amazing speakers. Dr. Bryan Smith, Jeff Keaton, Ben Schettler and Dr. George Barna always challenge those in attendance on the need to provide children with a biblical worldview education.

This particular conference was marked by a sense of urgency that was evident in every presentation. I came away even more determined than ever that the education we give the next generation must be built on a strong biblical worldview and a biblical philosophy of education. This must be a reality at home, church and school.

Dr. Barna shared that his research shows that the most dominant worldview among young Christians is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. That might sound like a lot of mumbo jumbo but it is a very dangerous belief system that too many Christians live their lives by.

In order to understand this worldview system, it is best to compare it to genuine Christianity. Consider the table below.

It is important to know where our students are coming from when we are attempting to help them develop a biblical worldview. I realized when listening to Barna that most of our students, including those who claim to be Christians, most likely have a worldview that is in conflict with authentic biblical Christianity.

There were several truths that were emphasized by each and every presenter. It  is important to note that we, as speakers, do not get together and plan what we are going to present. A few of the common themes that were presented at this conference were:

  1. Neutrality is impossible in education.
  2. Every educational effort is religious in nature.
  3. There must be greater intentionality on the part of parents, pastors and teachers in their efforts to make disciples of Jesus Christ when it comes to educating the next generation.
  4. We can only give to students what we, ourselves, possess.

As I contemplated where the younger generations of people are in relation to a biblical worldview, I asked myself how can we reverse some of these dangerous trends. A couple of things came to my mind.

First, I understood that I needed to examine my own life and worldview. Do my beliefs reflect a true biblical worldview or are there things in my life that line up with Moralistic Therapeutic Deism? One thing that Barna said really struck home with me. He shared that the vast majority of Christians have developed a syncretic faith. This is a faith that combines beliefs from two or more religions into one belief system.

Next, I realized that I must be diligent in renewing my mind. I have always believed that renewing one’s mind is not a one-time activity but a life-long process. We have been born with a faulty mind and are bombarded with falsehoods on a daily basis. Paul’s challenge in Romans 12:2 is that Christians must be continually renewing their minds.

Finally, I was reminded of how important it is to connect all knowledge to a biblical worldview framework. Dr. Renton Rathbun shared some questions that teachers must ask themselves as they plan their lessons. These questions demonstrate how a biblical worldview is an essential part of every subject that is taught. This is because a biblical worldview is the only worldview that matches reality.

  1. What is the basis of truth for this subject?
  2. Why does this material matter?
  3. How do I account for my beliefs about this subject?
  4. How do I make connections from this subject to the real world?
  5. To what degree can I place my confidence in this subject?

Biblical worldview education is more critical today than at any other time in our nation’s history. Secular education is doing its best to shape our children’s minds in a way that is completely anti-biblical.

I never thought I would see a day when boys would be allowed to use a girls’ bathroom because they “identified” as a girl. But an even greater shock was when I heard a school board and superintendent deny that a rape occurred in one of their bathrooms due to this absurd type of policy. Then last week, I saw where not only a boy was crowned homecoming “queen” at his high school but the entire crowd cheered when it was announced.

This should not surprise anyone. When God’s existence is denied, anything and everything is permissible. The challenge to Christians is that we must be distinctively different from the world.

We cannot afford to attempt to be simply “better” than secular schools. Christian schools must not take a secular model of schooling and merely Christianize it with Bible classes and chapels. Here are two questions that need to be answered.

  1. Are we simply operating a traditional Christian school?
  2. Or are we operating a biblical Christian school?

We must never forget that there is no neutrality when it comes to how we educate future generations!

Is The Church Falling Apart?

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I was reluctant to read an article that was recommended on social media recently. It was one of hundreds that I have come across that seem to follow a common line of thought. This line of reasoning goes something like this. If you take a stand on certain “political” issues, you are putting your faith in politics rather than in Christianity.

Of course, the problem with this line of reasoning is that many spiritual matters have been moved into the political arena and, therefore, prove that one’s political views are more important than one’s faith. I am not writing this blog as response to this type of thinking. Instead, I am simply giving you the context of the article that I decided to read.

As I read through the article, I came across something that caught my attention and caused me to slow down and read the words more carefully. The author of the article interviewed several Christian leaders. One of those leaders was James Ernest of Eerdmans Publishing. He was quoted as saying,

What we’re seeing is massive discipleship failure caused by massive catechesis failure. The evangelical Church in the U.S. over the past five decades has failed to form its adherents into disciples. So there is a great hollowness.

It was explained that catechism is the process of instructing and informing people through teaching. Ernest said that the Church has failed to do this type of teaching.

Alan Jacobs, a professor at Baylor University, stated that,

Culture catechizes. Culture teaches us what matters and what views we should take about matters…On the flip side, many churches aren’t interested in catechesis at all. They focus instead on entertainment, because entertainment is what keeps people in their seats and coins in the offering plate.

Jacobs went on to explain,

Pastors…get to spend, on average, less than an hour a week teaching their people. Sermons are short. Only some churchgoers attend adult-education classes, and even fewer attend Bible study and small groups. So, if people are getting one kind of catechesis for half an hour per week and another for dozens of hours per week, which on do you think will win out?

As I continued reading, I realized that behind all the politicization that permeated the main thrust of the article was a clear articulation of the real problem today’s church is facing — we are not making disciples! And I must add, it isn’t because of politics. It is because of the ideas or worldviews that are shaping our minds — especially the minds of our children and youth.

Ernest and Jacobs understand that the condition of most people who call themselves Christians is a lack of biblical thinking. They realize that the church does not have the opportunity to biblically shape the minds of its members because the church has influence over them for such a small amount of time each week.

This reality was noted in some more of what Jacobs said.

People come to believe what they are most thoroughly and intensively catechized to believe, and that catechesis comes not from the churches but from the media they consume, or rather the media that consume them. The churches have barely better than a snowball’s chance in hell of shaping most people’s lives (emphasis mine).

What continues to amaze me is that these people see how the church cannot compete with the culture because of the church’s limited time of influence on lives. However, they only see this when it comes to the lifestyles of the church’s adult membership.

Even if the church had more hours of influence in the lives of its adult members, I wonder if it would make any significant difference in how they look at life. I say this because adults have developed their worldview or belief system at a much younger age. Once this is developed, it is very difficult to change one’s worldview.

The real problem is that most Christians continue to send their children into secular educational institutions, at all grade levels, where they are bombarded daily from a secular, anti-Christian worldview perspective. If the few minutes an adult sits under biblical teaching each week can’t compete with the media’s influence, how much more dangerous is it for children to have their minds molded by today’s secularized schools?

Until the home, church and school are ready and willing to address the issue of education biblically, we will continue to lose future generations to the world. It won’t be because of their political views. It will be because we have failed to make disciples of our children and youth and allowed the culture to disciple them!

Referenced article: The Evangelical Church Is Breaking Apart by Peter Wehner, The Atlantic.

The Myth of Neutrality

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I continue to be amazed at the number of parents, church leaders and educators who hold the view that education, especially schooling, can be neutral. Even if a teacher attempts to teach math as a body of neutral facts, such as 2+2=4, this would not be teaching that is value free. In fact, it might be the most dangerous type of teaching that can be thrust upon a student. By trying to teach any subject neutrally tells students that God is irrelevant to that subject.

I read two articles this past week that were clear demonstrations on how schooling is becoming more and more dangerous when it comes to indoctrination of students. Both of these articles clearly showed how today’s educational system has become a threat to parents who believe that they should have a say in what their children are being taught in school.

The first article covered a debate that took place between the two candidates for governor in the state of Virginia. One candidate made the following statement.

You believe school systems should tell children what to do. I believe parents should be in charge of their kids’ education.

The other candidate responded with this statement.

I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decisions. I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.

In case you might be thinking that this was simply political rhetoric, this candidate was asked later about his statement. His stance on who needs to be in control of what values and beliefs a child should be taught was quite clear.

Listen, we have a board of ed working with the local school boards to determine the curriculum for our schools. You don’t want parents coming in in every different school jurisdiction saying, ‘This is what should be taught here’ and, ‘This is what should be taught here.'”

Of course, much of these types of public statements are being made in response to parents who are becoming increasingly concerned with what ideologies are being taught in their local schools. More and more parents are realizing that schools are teaching students what to think rather than how to think.

When parents become aware of such dangerous teaching, they are going to school board meetings to make their concerns known. One would think that school boards and educators would welcome parents becoming involved in their children’s education. At least, that is what they say they want.

However, as these parents are standing up against the indoctrination taking place, instead of being welcomed, they find themselves being silenced and even required to leave. Parents can be involved in their child’s schooling as long as this involvement doesn’t interfere with the dangerous philosophies that are being taught.

After reading the statements by the gubernatorial candidate in Virginia, I read another editorial by Dr. Everett Piper in the Washington Times. In his editorial, Piper references a letter that the National School Boards Association recently sent to President Joe Biden. Piper wrote that the letter was “to warn the President that our nation’s schools are under the imminent threat of ‘domestic terrorism.'”

What is this threat of domestic terrorism? The letter states,

…public school officials are facing physical threats because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula…The classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism…As such, NSBA requests a joint expedited review by the U.S. Departments of Justice, Education, and Homeland Security, along with the..FBI…

Wow! I have seen social media posts of parents attending local school board meetings denouncing the dangerous and destructive ideologies being taught to their children. The presentations have been bold and forceful. Some of these “protests” have actually read pornographic material to these board members that were right out of the textbooks they had approved.

Instead of thanking these parents for bringing these matters to their attention, they are now being reported to the President of the United States and labeled as domestic terrorists. This is extremely dangerous when elected officials, at the local, state and national levels, make it clear that parents should have no say as to what their children are being taught.

It is becoming clear that the government believes that children belong to the state not to parents. This is important because whoever believes children belong to them, also believe that they, alone, should determine what children are taught. This isn’t something new. History shows that when the government takes responsibility for the education of the children, dire consequences are always the result.  Consider these statements and think about what they led to in various countries around the world.

The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother’s care, shall be in state institutions. Karl Marx

Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Vladimir Lenin

Dr. Erwin Lutzer wrote a book several years ago titled, When a Nation Forgets God. In his book, Lutzer explained how Hitler viewed Germany’s youth as belonging to the Reich. Parents were responsible for feeding the child’s body but the state would feed the child’s soul — what the child would believe.

Dr. John MacArthur wrote the following warning to parents when it comes to raising (educating) children.

God Himself has given the responsibility for raising children to parents — not to schoolteachers, peers, childcare workers, or other people outside the family — and therefore it is wrong for parents to…shift the blame when things go wrong…Parents must involve themselves in their children’s lives enough to insure that no other influence takes precedence.

We are living in challenging times. This is not the time for parents, church leaders and Christian educators to remain silent to the subtle indoctrination that is taking place in schools all across the country. It is not enough to merely speak out against such indoctrination. It is time to take action and take control of our children’s and grandchildren’s education.

We must destroy the myth of neutrality when it comes to the education of our children!

Every Christian’s Main Purpose

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Will These Children Become Disciples of Jesus?

Shortly after the second edition of Kingdom Education™ was released, I was asked to speak at a large Christian school administrator & board member conference. This was the first time I was able to present the 8 biblical principles of Kingdom Education™ that I had included in the new edition of the book.

I explained to the delegates that Christian school leaders needed to know, understand and be committed to a biblical philosophy of education. If this were not the case, the school would eventually drift from its God-given mission. The response was extremely encouraging as several came up and shared how good it was to be challenged to stay grounded in these 8 biblical principles.

The coordinator of the event shared with me that the presentation was definitely challenging. However, he went on to say that an author of a book that the organization was promoting would disagree with me on a couple of issues.  When I asked for more specifics, one issue that was mentioned caught me off guard.

The issue raised had to do with the third principle of Kingdom Education™.  This principle reads,

The education of children and youth must have as its primary goals the salvation of and discipleship of the next generation.

I asked why anyone would have a problem with this principle? It was explained to me that this particular author would say that evangelism and discipleship are responsibilities for the church not Christian schools. I was taken back but quickly responded that it was obvious that this person did not understand what biblical discipleship was all about.

That interaction took place almost 20 years ago.  However, I wonder if there are parents, pastors and Christian school educators today who may hold the same belief that this author did.  I believe that over the years, discipleship has become a process of going through a series of Bible studies within small groups in a church setting. If this is the thinking of many Christians today, it is no wonder why the church has failed to make disciples that can impact culture.

There is really only one mission for every Christian and that mission is to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). This mission is for every parent, pastor, church member and/or Christian educators. No matter what mission statement a church or a Christian school develops, it should be tied to the Great Commission.

It is time for Christian school leaders to connect their school’s specific mission to Jesus’ call to make disciples of all nations. This will cause some other questions to be discussed and answered.

  1. What is a disciple of Jesus Christ?
  2. Can a Christian who is not a disciple make disciples of other people?
  3. How does the school’s mission support the Great Commission?
  4. How is this principle of Kingdom Education™ implemented throughout the school’s educational program?

When we see the condition of the world today, it is absolutely critical that the home, church and school form a united front to do everything in their power to make disciples of the next generation.  This will require the gospel to be central in all we do so that every student understands his/her need to be born again.

After salvation, the disciple making process must begin immediately and be intentionally implemented throughout the young person’s education at home, church and school. When this happens, we will see young men and women equipped to go out and impact the culture for Jesus Christ.

I’ve Been Thinking

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In the 1800s something took place that Francis Curran, a professor of the history of American education, referred to as a revolutionary development in the history of education and in the history of Christianity.  What was this revolutionary development?  According to Curran, it was the surrender by American Protestantism…of the control of popular elementary education to the state.

He went on to predict that once one area of education went under state control, it would simply be a matter of time when all levels of schooling follow suit.  The results of this monumental shift in who educates our young has been catastrophic to say the least.  I have written about the devastating results of secular education for years.  It has been sad to see the predictions of men such as Robert Lewis Dabney come true.

I am thankful that many Christians have tried to right the ship through the modern Christian day school movement.  It was exciting and encouraging to have been part of this movement when Christian schools literally were exploding on the scene in the 1970s and 1980s.  However, I have been doing a lot of thinking about what has been accomplished and what hasn’t taken place over the years.

Almost two years ago, our entire lives were turned upside down by the Covid virus.  One result of this pandemic was that just about all schools went virtual.  This meant that children and youth were, once again, at home receiving their education.  Because of this, parents started realizing what their children were being taught in the state school system.

Many parents were shocked to learn that schooling was not just about the 3 Rs.  There was something else going on.  G.K. Chesterton understood what education is really about when he wrote the following.

Every education teaches a philosophy; if not by dogma, then by suggestion, by implication, by atmosphere.

It has been amazing to hear how Christian school enrollments are increasing all across the country.  I continually read reports of how homeschooling is also exploding at an unprecedented rate.  However, these occurrences have also caused me to give a great deal of thought to where the movement is headed.  As I have been contemplating the current state of our country and Christian education, I find myself asking more questions than I have answers for.

Recently, a pastor asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks and I am still trying to find an answer to it.  We had been talking about the reality that the home, church and Christian school have not done a good job on making disciples of Jesus Christ.  It is true that there has been a strong emphasis on evangelism but we seem to have come up short on actually making disciples who are impacting the culture.

His question was, “what would a Christian school look like if it were totally built on a biblical discipleship model?”  At times, I have wondered if, at the beginning of the modern Christian day school movement, we had done it all wrong?  Did we take a secular model of what a school is and bring it under the auspices of a local church or Christian school board and simply attempt to Christianize it?

I have found myself asking a lot of other questions like these.

  1. Are we trying to just have a more “excellent” program than the neighboring public or private school?
  2. Has the effort to be “college prep” Christian schools caused us to adopt the typical course offerings that all other forms of schooling have thinking that God’s will for 98% or more of our graduates must be to go to college?
  3. Is there a better way of bringing the home, church and school together in a unified effort to make disciples of the next generation?

As I have wrestled with these questions, I have wondered if it is even possible to change how we do schooling to better fulfill the Great Commission?  How do we get parents to take the time and rethink how God wants them to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord?  Are church leaders willing to do whatever is necessary to assist parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibility of educating their children biblically?

As you can tell by the title of this blog, I have been doing a lot of thinking.  I am not saying that a lot of good things are not happening in Christian schools all across the country.  I also realize that many homeschooling parents are doing some wonderful things as they educate their children at home.  As one of my former pastors once said, I simply have a “holy discontent” to want to do more.

I don’t have the answers to these questions but I share them with you to see if there are any other parents, pastors, administrators and teachers who may be thinking similar thoughts.  If so, I would love to know your thoughts and, hopefully, some answers you have found to these all-important questions.  Please leave a comment below and let’s pray that God will give all of us wisdom and direction as we strive to provide Kingdom Education™ to future generations.


The War In Heavenly Places

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For the past few weeks, my pastor has been addressing some very challenging topics in his messages.  These topics, such as wokeness, social justice and critical theory, etc., have challenged all of us.  Whenever one simply mentions one of these terms, it sparks some very strong reactions from those in attendance.  Most reactions are very emotionally charged due to personal experiences or what people have been taught or by various narratives that have bombarded people through the media.

Today, I was asked to preach a message to help people look at a bigger picture of what may be going on behind the scenes as it relates to these important issues.  In order to understand these issues that are causing division in our homes, churches and communities, we need to set aside our emotions and view these through the lens of Scripture.

As I was praying and preparing the message, I was reading in Ephesians and came across a very familiar verse.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.  Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV)

I had read this verse hundreds of times in the past.  However, this time some of the words seemed to jump off of the page and I began asking myself some questions.  Who or what are these principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness?  What does it mean that this battle is in heavenly places?


The Bible tells us how Satan was once a part of God’s angelic host.  In Ezekiel 28, this angel is referred to as the anointed cherub.  This cherub rebelled against God in an effort to become god.  He fell from Heaven and took 1/3 of the angelic host with him.  The war we are engaged in started in Heaven and was between God and Satan.

When God created the heavens and the earth, He created man in His image.  We read in Genesis 1 that He created man as both male and female and the two joined together in marriage and became one flesh.  Here we see that God defined marriage to be between a man and a woman.  This union was the creation of God’s first institution that He ordained — the family or the home.

Of course, we know that Satan immediately attacked God’s creation and tempted Eve with two lies.

  • God’s Word can’t be trusted.
  • You can be your own god.

Yielding to this temptation brought sin, disease and death into God’s creation.  Satan’s attack on man in the garden wasn’t just an attack on the man and the woman.  It was also an attack on God’s institution of the family.  Ever since that day, Satan has tried to destroy the family.

Because of sin, God established His second institution to provide order to His creation.  This institution is known as the state.  In Romans 13, Paul explains that the role of the state was to punish evil and reward good.  When the state protects both individuals and families according to its God-given responsibility, we will have just societies.

Once again, Satan set his sights on this new institution designed by God — the state.  He doesn’t aim at destroying the state like he wants to do with the family.  Instead, he simply wants to control it.  Throughout history Satan attacks the state by changing its role from being the protector of people and families to becoming the provider of the people’s needs.  Then, the state can become god with Satan in charge.

When God redeemed sinful man through the finished work of Christ on the cross, He established His third institution — the Church.  Satan immediately unleashed the powers of darkness to attack the Church.  I believe that Satan knows he can’t destroy the church.  This is because the Church is built on the solid rock of Jesus Christ.  So, Satan simply wants to weaken the Church and make it unable to shape the culture.

Satan’s ongoing attacks on God’s three established institutions, the family, state and Church, are Satan’s attempts to become god.  It is a war that started in Heaven and continues to be waged in heavenly places.  But the individual battles are fought here on earth and we are Satan’s targets in these battles.

The principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness are Satan’s band of demons who fell from Heaven with him in his rebellion against God.  God’s Word provides us with a glimpse of how the battle we are waging today is against these spiritual foes in heavenly places.  Consider a startling conversation that is recorded in the Old Testament book of Job.

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them. And the Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?” So Satan answers the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.” Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”  So Satan answered the Lord and said, “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side?…But now, stretch out your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!” And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person.”  Job 1:7-12 (NKJV)

This is a powerful picture of the battle Job faced against rulers of darkness in heavenly places.  It was a battle that Job had to fight in here on earth.  However, it was part of the war that was being waged in heavenly places.

We are engaged in the same war as Job faced.  Even the suffering that righteous people face on a daily basis must be seen in light of the cosmic struggle between God and Satan.

Satan wants to be god and he is trying to do this in his attacks on the:

  1. family or home
  2. state
  3. Church

If we are going to understand what is going on in our country today, we must view it through the lens of Scripture and the ongoing cosmic struggle between God and Satan.  We must never forget that Satan wants to destroy every family. He also wants to control the state and weaken the Church.

Before Satan can destroy any of these institutions, he must first bring division.  Once people are divided, he moves in all the forces of evil to destroy and devour them.  I want to challenge you to look at the ideas/beliefs that are dividing everyone, even Christians, today and try to see these dangerous ideologies as Satan’s attempt to be god.  We must realize this battle is not against flesh and blood.  It is a war in the heavenly places.

Mission Impossible

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I can remember as a teenager being glued to the TV each week to watch an episode of Mission Impossible.  Each week actor, Peter Graves, led a  team that was given an extremely dangerous mission to accomplish.  How would the mission be accomplished when the team was up against overwhelming odds?  In order to accomplish the mission, every person on the team had to fulfill its role at precisely the right time and in the right way.  In the end, they always accomplished the mission.

God has given His children a mission to accomplish here on earth.  It, too, is a very dangerous mission and it requires every team member give careful attention to what needs to be done.  This mission is the same for the individual, the home, church and school.  The mission is referred to as the Great Commission and was given to us by Jesus before He ascended into heaven.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.  Matthew 28:18-20 (NKJV)

Most churches, Christian schools, and other Christian organizations have developed a mission and/or vision statement that expresses their purpose and guides them in all they do.  Whatever the individual institution’s written statement is, it must aim at accomplishing the Great Commission found in Matthew’s gospel.  Every Christian is to be striving to make disciples of all nations! 

Unfortunately, this is not happening throughout Western Christianity.  In a recent Barna Group report, it was found that only 17% of today’s churchgoers had heard about the Great Commission and thought that they knew what it meant.  The Disciple Nations Alliance provides evidence that most Christians have redefined the Great Commission to mean only saving souls for Heaven and planting churches.

When we see what is happening across our country and around the world, we must admit that we are failing at making disciples who know and live out all that Jesus commanded.  It is evident that you cannot make disciples without saving souls.  But it is also true that you can save souls without making disciples.  This has to change.  The Great Commission must be the driving force behind the lives of individual Christians, the home, church and Christian school.

However, there is a problem that must be addressed in order to complete this mission.  For someone to make a disciple of Jesus Christ, he or she must first be His disciple.  What does it take for us to be disciples of Jesus Christ?  When answering this question, many Christians will refer to Luke 14:27.

And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.

Here Jesus tells His followers that there is a cost to being His disciple.  Being His disciple requires each person to die to self and live for Jesus Christ.  In today’s world, dominated by “self”, few Christians seem willing to pay this price that is required to be a disciple of Christ.

However, God’s Word gives us some other insights into what it takes to be a disciple of Jesus.  In John 8, Jesus is talking to some Jews who had just become believers.  He challenges them to go beyond being a mere believer to becoming one of His disciples.

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32 (NKJV)

To be a disciple of Jesus, one must “abide in My Word.”  Another translation reads that a disciple must “continue in My Word.”  A disciple of Jesus Christ must take up daily residence in the Bible!  God’s Word can’t be something we just visit once in a while at church.  It must be our dwelling place.  Paul makes this clear when he writes,

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 (NKJV)

Dr. George Barna is the director of the Christian Culture Center at Arizona Christian University.  The Center has done extensive studies on the worldview of today’s Christian.  The findings are troublesome — especially when it comes to Christians having the ability to make disciples of all nations.


  • 75% of evangelicals and 76% of charismatics reject the Bible’s teaching that people are not basically good; we are sinners.
  • 58% of evangelicals and 49% of charismatics reject the Bible’s teaching that people cannot earn a place in Heaven by being good or by doing good works.
  • 42% of evangelicals and 38% of charismatics reject that the Bible is the primary source of moral guidance.

The reality is that today’s Christians are not “abiding in God’s Word” and, therefore, are not disciples of Jesus Christ.  This means that we are not capable of making disciples because we are not disciples ourselves.  Darrow Miller makes a statement that is not only frightening but is also being proven to be true.

If the church is not discipling the nation, the nation is discipling the church.

As a new school year begins, we must ask ourselves some important questions.

  1. Do we understand God’s mission for our lives?
  2. Have we truncated the Great Commission to only mean saving souls for Heaven?
  3. Are we willing to die to self and live for Christ?
  4. Have we taken up residence in God’s Word or are we merely visitors?
  5. Have Christian schools selected board members and hired teachers who are disciples or just believers?
  6. What are we doing to become Christ’s disciples so we can disciple the next generations?

If we are not disciples of Jesus Christ, the Great Commission is truly a Mission Impossible!