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The Key Component of a Biblical Worldview

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Every person forms a worldview.  One’s worldview determines how he/she interprets all of life and, therefore, drives his/her everyday actions and attitudes.  Depending on what definition one refers to, a worldview is determined by one’s beliefs about several key components such as:

  • God
  • Creation/Universe
  • Humanity
  • Purpose
  • Moral Order/Behavior
  • Knowledge
  • Future
  • History
  • Work

One’s beliefs about each of these components is important; but one component is more important than all of the others put together.  The foundation stone of every worldview is formed by how one answers this one question.

Who or what is my ultimate authority?

How one answers this question, determines his/her beliefs about God.  What one believes about God, in turn, shapes what he/she believes about every other component of his/her worldview.  A biblical worldview is based on who God is.  If one doesn’t know God, he/she will never have a true biblical worldview that will direct all of life.

Secular education attempts to simply ignore God by teaching every subject as a compilation of neutral, observable facts that have no spiritual meaning.  This type of teaching results in students developing a secular or man-centered worldview where God has no relevance to their everyday lives.

Solomon wrote:

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7 (NKJV)

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10 (NKJV)

As I have studied the Scriptures to find what God says about educating future generations, I discovered a very important principle that every parent, church leader and educator must understand and embrace.  Simply stated, it is:

The education of children and youth must have as its primary focus the increase in the knowledge of God.

In order to obey this principle, parents, church leaders and educators must make sure that they know God fully.  If we are not constantly growing in our knowledge of God, we will fail to provide our children and youth with a biblical worldview education.  I remember being challenged recently by something that Tim Keller wrote.  He stated:

The beginning of all wisdom is the “fear of the Lord.” But how do we know if we are relating to the real God? The answer is there is no real knowing of God unless we know him through his Word. Otherwise we are creating a God out of our imagination.

The only way we can know the real God is by being in His Word daily.  It is true that we can see and understand God’s invisible attributes by studying His creation (Romans 1:20).  However, we will only have a superficial understanding of the real God if we are not immersed in God’s Word.  Even though most Christians would say that reading the Bible is important, few do it on a daily basis.  When we aren’t in His Word regularly, Keller says that we are creating God according to what we conjure Him up to we want Him to be.

When a person is not in the Word daily, he/she may actually forget who God is.  The results of forgetting who God is leads to severe consequences in one’s life.   Again, I want to share with you what Keller warns about what happens when we forget who God is.  He says,

  • When one forgets God’s wisdom, it results in worry.
  • When one forgets God’s mercy, it results in resentment.
  • When one forgets God’s beauty, it results in covetousness.
  • When one forgets God’s holiness, it results in a life of sin.
  • When one forgets God’s sovereignty, it results in fear.

As I read these points, I asked myself are any of these results evident in my life?  If so, I need to know God better.  When I don’t know God the way I should, I forget what He can do in my life.  One of my former pastors, Dr. James Merritt, explains it this way.

When you forget what God has done for you in the past, you will doubt what God can do for you in the present and what he will do for you in the future.

Erwin Lutzer said it best.

If you accomplish nothing in life at all except to know God and to worship Him, you will have delighted His heart.

How well do you know God?  I encourage you to discipline yourself to be in the Word daily.  As you read it, always be asking yourself what does this passage tell me about who God is?   Knowing Him changes everything!!!

I share this link as an encouragement to know Him.  Have a blessed day!

The Danger of Double-mindedness

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There is a passage of Scripture that has been on my mind for the past several weeks.  It is found in James’ letter to the Christians who had been scattered due to persecution.  It reads,

But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.  But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.  For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his waysJames 1:4-8 (NKJV)

As you can see by my emphasis, the part of this passage that has been most disturbing to me is the last part of verse 8.  James is stating that a double-minded person is unstable in all of life!  I am deeply concerned about the double-mindedness that has taken a vast number of Christians captive.

The dictionary defines double-mindedness as wavering in mind, vacillating.  It also explains that a double-minded person is marked by hypocrisy.  However, the real danger of being double-minded is not simply due to one not being decisive.  The true mark of a double-minded person is the compartmentalizing of one’s life.

One of the most common realities found in the lives of a vast majority of Christians is that they have divided life into two compartments — the sacred and the secular.  By doing this they attempt to live their lives according to two different worldviews.  The late Dr. Albert Greene referred to this type of thinking as dualism.  Dualistic thinking will always lead to dualistic living.

The most common way of illustrating dualism is to explain how many people will live their lives on Sunday much differently than they live their lives Monday through Saturday.  This is a result of thinking that some areas of life are spiritual in nature.  These include things such as attending church, reading the Bible and spending time in prayer.  At the same time, other areas of life are considered to be secular or religiously neutral in nature.  Such things as politics, business, education, and recreation fall into this category.

The end result is that a dualistic person’s life does not have an overarching worldview that brings all of life into unity.  Life ends up extremely fragmented and doesn’t make much sense.  It also makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to find significance in what we do and who we are.  James hits the nail on the head — this type of person is unstable in all of life.  Someone who is unstable cannot function properly.

Even though many Christian educators decry dualism, I am wondering if double-mindedness hasn’t crept into our homes, churches and schools.  There are some dangerous trends that I see taking hold in our efforts to give our children a biblical worldview integration.  I believe I need to make a disclaimer about what I am about to write.  Some of the practices that I am going to mention may or may not be right or wrong.  However, I am bringing them up to foster consideration and discussion.

If the opposite of dualism is living all of life under a unified worldview, then we must examine all of our practices involved in educating our children and youth to make sure everything is governed by a biblical worldview.  As I bring these issues up, I ask that you ponder them in light of this question.  Is this leading to double-mindedness?  If it is, does it mean that we are becoming unstable in all our ways?

Textbook Selection

This is a hot button to start our discussion.  I have heard all the arguments from both sides of the aisle as to what textbooks Christian schools should use.  I recently wrote an article for another publication and titled it The Hidden Agenda.  The essence of the article is that all textbooks, both secular and Christian, strive to be “academically rigorous”, factually accurate, and relevant to life.  However, there is a hidden agenda in all textbooks.  Every textbook is written from a worldview perspective with the goal of taking the students minds captive by its underlying belief system.

I am not going to argue the pros and cons of using one textbook over another.  I am simply asking you to consider the possibility that we might be practicing dualism if we say we want our children to develop a biblical worldview but then immerse them in secular worldview written textbooks.  When making textbook selections, do we consider this passage in James 1?  If not, could we not only be practicing dualism but also leading our students into developing a dualistic mindset?

Athletics and Other Extra-curriclars

Christian education has come a long way when it comes to these school programs.  This is one area that I am starting to see schools adopt a very worldly/secular pursuit of excellence.  Again, there is not time and space to address the entire topic of excellence in this post.  I will simply point out that worldly excellence is pursued from a purely horizontal perspective based on comparing and competing.  One is excellence if he/she is better than the other person.  Biblical excellence, on the other hand, begins with a vertical perspective and is focused more on character than performance and achievement.

With this in mind, we must ask ourselves a couple of questions if we are going to avoid double-mindedness.  Have we developed these programs within the context of a biblical worldview with the same intensity as we do our “academic” disciplines?  Many schools have to use community coaches and sponsors to lead these important aspects of our schools.  Are we being as intentional with developing these staff members with a biblical worldview and philosophy of education as our full-time teachers?  If we do not answer these questions accurately, we may end up being unstable in all our ways.

Dual Enrollment

This has become a major aspect of the curricular offerings at many Christian schools.  There are some real “perks” to offering students opportunities to take certain courses under a dual enrollment program.  A dual enrollment program allows students to enroll in classes at their school through an arrangement with a college or university.  This allows the students to earn both high school and college credits.  Some students earn as many as 15-20 college credits before graduating from high school.

All of this sounds great but are there some dangers that are inherent in these types of programs.  Many schools are doing dual enrollment programs with secular colleges and universities.  Others offer these programs in partnership with Christian institutions.  I realize that if a Christian school has staff members with the proper degrees, they can actually teach these classes.  However, many times these classes are taught by a secular professor using the textbooks and other resources from the partnering college or university.

Again, I am merely asking that we give careful consideration about how this could lead to dualism.  Would we hire an unsaved teacher to teach in our schools?  I hope we would answer this question in the negative.  However, are we doing the same by some of the dual enrollment programs?

I have mentioned three areas where I see that dualism could creep into our efforts to biblically educate our children and youth.  There are probably more and this can be discussion for another time.  However, we must evaluate everything we are doing in our efforts to provide our children and youth with a biblical worldview education.  We cannot open the door for dualism to get a foothold.  If we do, we will become unstable in all we do.

Contaminated Waters: The High Cost

By | Public Blog

We have been looking at what happened when one city decided to change its source from where it was getting its water.  I want to remind you that the main reason why the city of Flint, Michigan wanted to change from getting its water from Detroit was to same money.  If they would use the water that was right there in their backyard, they would save approximately $5 million.  However, the contaminated water that came from the new source would cost much more than what they had hoped to save.  After a mere 18 months of using the contaminated water, the cost of such a disastrous decision was and is still rising. Consider the following:

  • It was estimated that it would cost the city $1.5 billion dollars to replace the city’s water system
  • Home repairs caused by the corrosive water could be as high as $10,000 per household.
  • Households that tried to compensate for the contaminated water spent approximately $300 for home filtration systems and $100 every couple of months for cartridge replacement.
  • Households who had to go to bottled water averaged spending almost $400 monthly for clean water.
  • One report estimated that the city might face almost $400 million in future “social” costs.These costs would come from addressing education, mental health and behavioral issues stemming from poisoning from contaminated water use.
  • Another report predicted that the use of contaminated water could cost $50,000 in lifetime economic losses for every exposed child.

The alarming thing about all of this is the fact that these costs are the result of the city of Flint attempting to save between $5 and $12 million dollars in water costs.  In March of 2018 it was reported that the state of Michigan was still spending more than $22,000 a day on bottled water for Flint residents.

The decision for Flint, Michigan to switch its water supply resulted in one cost that was much more devastating than the economic impact it had.  Changing to contaminated water led to the loss of human life.  Even though the official death toll was 19, the actual death toll was probably much higher.  Studies showed that pneumonia deaths rose 74% during the 6-month period after the water supply was switched.

The cost that that has resulted from Christians changing the source from which their children would receive their education has been catastrophic.  It is almost impossible to calculate the costs that have resulted from Americans switching to a secular source of education for their children and youth.  Christians have led their children to drink from a secular education system with contaminated water for many decades now.  The poisoning of children and youth has gone on for several generations and the degree of corrosion in today’s culture is almost impossible to comprehend or even imagine. The home, church and school have all been compromised and weakened.

One high cost to drinking from a contaminated educational system is that Christianity has been privatized and is limited to performing a series of programs on Sundays, Wednesday nights and various special events such as VBS, women’s and men’s conferences, etc. Christianity is allowed to operate in the home and church but is being forced out of the public square.  At the same time society has become totally secular where God is simply ignored, denied and/or even attacked.

The secularization of society and many Christian homes continues to carry with it high costs.  Consider the following:

  • Several studies suggest that today’s Christians may be the most biblically illiterate generation in modern day history.
  • George Barna recently reported that only 1 out of 10 (10%) Christians and only 1 out of 25 (4%) millennials possess a biblical worldview.
  • There is a growing loss of understanding of what it means to be human.  Gender confusion can be seen when one understands that there were 70+ gender options one could choose to identify one’s self on Facebook in 2014.
  • Laws have been passed that make same-sex marriage and individuals to use restrooms and locker rooms according to their individual choice legal.
  • Many Christians reportedly support same sex marriage and the idea that one’s gender is a choice not a biological fact.

The poisoning of our children and youth has also carried with it the cost of human life.

  • Since 1973 there have been over 60.7 million babies killed in their mother’s wombs, an average of 1.4 million each year.
  • The murder rate in the USA is up and the suicide rate is at its highest level with a 24% increase over the past 30 years.
  • The number of drug deaths due to overdose has doubled from 2002 to 2014.
  • There are laws on the books that allow for doctor assisted suicide to take place.

I believe the most disastrous cost that we have encountered has been eternal in nature.  Studies show that between 65% and 80% of teens in church today will walk away from their faith within two years of high school graduation.  More and more “Christians” say that the Bible contains errors, evolution is a scientific fact, and that Jesus committed sin while here on earth.  Christian Smith in his study of religion in North America found that many young people are moralistic, therapeutic deists where God only gets involved in one’s life in order to solve one’s problems and make him/her happy.

These are just some of the devastating costs that our society has encountered from drinking from a contaminated educational system.  Of course, God warned His people that this is what would happen if they continued to forsake Him, the fountain of living waters, and go to the world to drink of its waters of knowledge and wisdom (see Jeremiah 2:13, 18).  In fact, God made it clear that choosing to “drink” from the world’s water would become their own discipline.

Your own wickedness will correct you, and your apostasies will reprove you;
Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the Lord your God,
And the dread [fear] of Me is not in you,” declares the Lord God of hosts. Jeremiah 2:19 (NASB)

What is the solution to these horrific results that come from drinking from the contaminated waters of a secular education?  The only solution that can reverse these trends is for Christians to return to the “fountain of living waters.”  The costs to change back to the original source of living water, God, seem too high for anyone to afford.  One of the reasons for this is the fact that the poison water of secular education has taken the average Christian home deep into debt because of the desire to consume more and more stuff.  At the same time, only a small percentage of Christians have stayed true to God’s economic system whereby God is given the first tenth of one’s increase and then, he/she uses the other 90% as good stewards of God’s provision to advance His kingdom.

Even if the home and church were to unite immediately and give their children a biblical worldview education, the results would not be seen in the immediate future.  The reason for this is that Christianity’s infrastructure has become corroded over decades of contaminated water pouring through it.  Parents and church leaders must renew their own minds and develop a biblical worldview before they are going to be able to give this to their children.  Churches must also help young adults, who have developed a secular worldview or have compartmentalized their lives and formed a secular/sacred divide, flush out their corroded thinking and develop the ability to think and act from a biblical worldview.

The poisoning of our children and youth has been taking place for decades.  It will take several years to fully reverse this trend.  However, we have reached a crisis point where if we don’t take action now, it might become impossible to do so in the future.




Contaminated Water: Masking the Problem

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If you are joining the conversation new, I encourage you to read the first two posts in this series.  The first one was Contaminated Water: A Fatal Decision and last week’s was Contaminated Water: The Cover-up.  As the city of Flint, Michigan continued to use contaminated water, serious problems began surfacing throughout the community.  In fact, General Motors actually stopped using Flint River water in October of 2014. This decision was made to prevent further corrosion of its machines.  The company made a deal to purchase water from a neighboring township and was able to continue functioning without further damage to its machinery.

By early 2015, the facts were in and there could be no denying that the water from the Flint River was contaminated. Consider the following findings:

  • January 21, 2015 – A community forum is held with residents showing containers of discolored water to officials. Reports of children developing rashes and suffering from mysterious diseases are circulated in the media.
  • February 26, 2015 – The EPA detected dangerous levels of water in the home of a Flint resident. The lead contamination was seven times higher than the EPA limit for drinking water.
  • March 18, 2015 – Another EPA test finds high levels of lead in the same residence as its earlier test.
  • June 24, 2015 – An EPA memo warns that the city is not providing treatment necessary to decrease the presence of lead in drinking water.
  • September 8, 2015 – A water quality study indicated that 40% of Flint homes had elevated lead levels.
  • September 11, 2015 – A research team finds Flint water to be 19 times more corrosive than Detroit water and recommends that the state declare the water is not safe for drinking or cooking.
  • September 24, 2015 – A research team released a study showing the number of children with elevated lead levels in their blood had nearly doubled since the city switched its water source.

With a major health and safety crisis looming, one might think that government leaders would change back to the safer Detroit water source.  However, officials from the city and state continued to pump contaminated water to the residents and businesses of Flint.  Instead of changing back to its original water source, it was decided that all that was needed was some reform or treatment of the poisonous water.

In an effort to continue using the contaminated water from the Flint River, steps were taken to counteract the contamination by employing certain water improvement efforts.  Here are some of the actions taken to try and make the contaminated waters “better.”

  • September 2014 – The city’s water pipes were flushed and more chlorine was added.
  • August 17, 2015 – The MDEQ orders Flint to optimize corrosion control treatment in the water supply.
  • September 9, 2015 – The EPA begins assisting Flint in developing a corrosion control treatment of the water.
  • October 2, 2015 – The state distributed free water filters to schools.

In addition to these attempts at trying to make the contaminated waters “safe” bottled water was distributed throughout Flint and was still being given out in March of 2018.  Homes were encouraged to install water filters and/or use bottled water for drinking.  It was amazing to read about the refusal of leaders and parents to revert back to the original source of good water.  It seems that people kept placing their faith in the contaminated water source and merely trying to “improve” the poisonous water.

The same thing can be said about Christians’ reaction to the growing problems that were becoming apparent in society, the church and their homes from children and youth drinking the contaminated waters from a secular educational system.  Instead of returning the “fountain of living waters” (God), it was believed that the bad water source could be improved.

As time went on warning alarms continued to ring out signaling that the danger of drinking from a contaminated source of knowledge and wisdom was wreaking havoc among the children and youth of the country.  Reports by several research teams indicated that large numbers of teens attending church would leave the church within two or three years of high school graduation.  Some of these studies estimated that as high as 85% of church youth would soon walk away from their faith.

There were a few voices in the church that sent out warnings about the dangers of continued drinking the contaminated waters of secular education.

Unfortunately, our schools are all too often indoctrination chambers where children come to be scrubbed of their trust of parents, their church, and their sexual identity, and are force-fed a diet of secularism and immorality. Erwin Lutzer in When a Nation Forgets God

It becomes possible to raise kids in church and subsequently turn them over to secular institutions for education without having though through the potential outcomes of them losing their faith in the process…We have turned over generation after generation of young men and women to be fully inculcated with the thoughts, ideas, and precepts that are absolutely contrary to our Christian faith…the Church systematically, seemingly without guilt, turns one generation after another of children over to a pagan, godless, secular education system that turns them from the faith.  We do it in public elementary and high schools and colleges and universities.  And we pay the enemy to steal their souls.  Ken Ham & Greg Hall in Already Compromised

School violence began to rise all across the country.  One of the first warning shots that something was wrong in our schools was sounded at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999.  On this day, two senior students walked into the school and murdered 12 students and 1 teacher.  Twenty-one other students were wounded before the two murderers took their own lives. Since that time more than 17 other mass shootings killing four or more people have taken place in schools across the country.

However, even with all of the evidence pouring in that indicated there was a major contamination problem with the “new” source of education, people were continually told that the water was safe to drink.  All that was needed were some additional treatments to the system that would take care of the pollutants.

Several efforts were made to calm people’s nerves and assure them that secular education was safe for all citizens.  These treatments ranged from initiating character education (Character Counts was a major program developed after Columbine) to armed security guards and programs that would teach tolerance and acceptance of all values and beliefs. There have been efforts to reform the contaminated waters by placing Christians on school boards.

Parents, church leaders, civic officials and educators continued to keep their trust in secular education.  They believed that with enough money and reform measures the water source of secular education could be purified.

Church leaders thought that the solution to this “water” crisis was to develop new programs for children and youth at church.  Even though programs and resources such as Released Time Bible ClassesTrust Love Waits, Ignite: The Bible for Teens, various VBS programs and a host of other programs and resources were well-intentioned and solid material, the words of C. F. Potter proved to be prophetic.

Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every public [secular] school is a school of humanism.  What can the theistic Sunday school, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching.

There was still a strong resistance to return to the original source of a biblical worldview education.  Better church programs and efforts to reform and improve secular education programs would surely mask the deadly consequences of drinking from a contaminated water source.

Next week I will present some of the costs involved when changing to “water” sources that are contaminated.  It might blow your mind!  Be sure to leave a comment below.

Contaminated Water: The Cover-up

By | Public Blog

When the city officials of Flint, Michigan made the fatal decision to change the source of their water, there were concerns as to the wisdom of this decision.  Some residents were leery about this move, wondering about the quality of the water.  For the next several months a major cover-up took place by city and state officials. To ease the residents concerns, city officials issued several statements.

Even with a proven track record of providing perfectly good water for Flint, there still remains lingering uncertainty of the quality of the water.  In an effort to dispel myths and promote the truth about the Flint River and its viability as a residential water resource, there have been numerous studies and tests conducted on its water by several independent organizations…Michael Prysby of the Michigan DEQ Office of Drinking Water verified that ‘the quality of the water being put out meets all of our drinking water standards and Flint water is safe to drink.’

Mayor, Dayne Walling went on to state:

It’s regular, good, pure drinking water, and it’s right in our backyard…this is the first step forward in controlling the future of our community’s most precious resource.

Even with the city officials’ assurances that the water was safe, it did not take long before the citizens of Flint made complaints.  These complaints centered on the smell, color and hardness of the water.  In August of 2014 fecal coliform bacteria was detected in Flint’s water that led to advisories for residents to boil their water.

Again, in September of 2014 another positive test for coliform bacteria caused another advisory to boil water before using.  The city’s steps to correct this serious problem were to flush the pipes.  Four days later residents were told that the water was safe to drink from the tap.

What took place in early 2015 baffles one’s mind. Here are a couple of critical decisions that were made.

  • January 2, 2015 – Flint officials warn residents that there are byproducts of disinfectants in the water that may cause health issues including an increase in cancer. However, residents are told that the water is safe for the general population but cautioned the elderly and young children about its consumption.
  • January 12, 2015 – The DWSD (Flint’s original provider of water) offers to reconnect the city with Lake Huron water, waiving a $4 million restoration fee. City officials decline the offer stating “economic” concerns.

With a major health and safety crisis looming, officials from the city and state continue to pump contaminated water to the residents and businesses of Flint.  Consider the following events that took place.

  • March 23, 2015 – Flint City Council votes to stop using Flint River water and reconnect to Detroit. However, this vote is overruled by state-appointed officials calling the vote “incomprehensible,” and claiming that the cost would be too high and that water from Detroit is no safer than water from Flint.
  • June 5, 2015 – A group of clergymen and other activists file a lawsuit against the city because the river water is a health risk. The city attorney declares the lawsuit is baselessand the case is dismissed in September.

Even with all of the evidence pointing to the contaminated water that was pouring into the homes and businesses of the city, city and state officials continued with the mantra that the water is perfectly safe.

  • On July 9, 2015 – Flint Mayor, Walling, drinks a cup of tap water on local television in an effort to ensure residents that the water is safe.
  • July 13, 2015 – a spokesperson for the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality states, Anyone concerned about lead in the drinking water in Flint can relax. His reasoning was that the problem was not widespread and limited to a few isolated places.

When the decision was made to change the source from where American children and youth would receive their education, it was considered a “safe” move.  After all the home and church would still teach their children about faith and values.  And the school would be teaching children the facts and knowledge that would be needed for them to be successful citizens.

It wasn’t long before some individuals became concerned that the “waters” from this new educational source were contaminated. One such individual was Dr. Robert Lewis Dabney, Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Texas. In 1897, Dabney published a book on secularism in which he predicted,

If the State in America becomes the educator, education must be secularized totally…If the State assumes responsibility for education, there is therefore a great risk that the education of youth will be perverted to serve an ideological faction.  This will occur by the hateful means of filling their minds with error and passion in place of truth and right.

Another voice that sounded forth a warning about what would happen when children would drink contaminated water from a government run, secular education system was Daniel Webster.  He wrote,

In what age, by what sect, where, when, by whom, has religious truth been excluded from education?  Nowhere, Never!  Everywhere, and at all times, it has been regarded as essential.  It is of essence, the vitality of useful instruction.

Dabney also predicted that turning to the State as the children’s educational source would result in certain things being removed from a child’s education.

But nearly all public men and preachers declare that the public schools are the glory of America.  They are a finality, and in no event to be surrendered.  We have seen that their complete secularization is logically inevitable.  Christians must prepare themselves then, for the following results:  All prayers, catechisms, and Bibles will ultimately be driven out of the schools.

Slowly but surely signs of contamination from the new source of knowledge and wisdom started to be seen.  Some Christian leaders boldly addressed the poisoning of the children and youth.  Once such voice was that of Charles Clayton Morrison.  He was the editor of the The Christian Century.  In a 1940 address to 10,000 public school teachers in Kansas City, Morrison stated,

The public school is confessedly and deliberately secular.  I am bound, therefore, to lay on the doorstep of our educational system the prime responsibility for the decline of religion and the steady advance of secularism, another name for atheism. In American society…Protestant children in public schools are under an influence which the churches cannot counteract.  The pubic school presents the church with a generation of youth whose minds have been cast in a secular world.

Later in 1951, Frank Gaebelein authored a report for the National Association of Evangelicals for United Action titled, Christian Education in a Democracy.  In this report Gaebelein explained what Christian parents and church leaders were doing in allowing their children to “drink” from this new secular source of knowledge and wisdom.

The fact is that, as both home and church have lost grip on American youth, the people of this country have looked to education to fill the gap.  With a confidence that would be touching if not based on evasion of responsibility, they have turned their youth – body, mind, and soul – over to the most extensive and highly organized system of education this world has ever known.

Unfortunately, the warnings that several people voiced about the danger of changing the source of our children’s education went unheeded. Educators, politicians and, even, church leaders lauded the benefits of this new source of education.  Not only did pastors and church leaders vocally support this new educational source but they also showed their church members that the waters of secular education were perfectly safe by enrolling their own children in these schools.  Every child would receive a “free” education and this education would be right in a family’s backyard.

The cover-up of the danger of drinking contaminated water was an effort to keep the citizens of Flint comfortable about drinking water from the Flint River.  The cover-up of the danger of allowing children and youth to drink the contaminated waters of secular education was both intentional and comprehensive in its scope.  The result was that the majority of Christian parents willingly turned the formal education of their children over to the state believing that drinking the new water was completely harmless.

Next week I want to look at what steps people took when there was no doubt that the water was poisonous and dangerous to the health of children and youth.  Be sure to leave your comments below.

Contaminated Water: A Fatal Decision

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On April 25, 2014 a city in Michigan made a decision that would end up devastating the city’s entire population.  The city was Flint, Michigan and the disaster is known as The Flint Water Crisis.  The decision that was made by the leaders of Flint, Michigan on that dreadful day actually started a couple of years earlier.

Flint city officials explored options on how they might be able to save money by switching the city’s water source.  From 2012 through 2013, a plan was devised that would supposedly save the city millions of dollars by switching from its current provider, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department, to the Karegnondi Water Authority.  To accomplish this, the city would need to build its own pipeline to connect to KWA.

However, there was one problem.  It would take time to build a pipeline to connect to KWA. Instead of waiting until the pipeline was completed, the city officials decided to turn to the Flint River as an interim source of water.  On April 25, 2014 Flint River water started flowing to the city of Flint.  This decision proved to be extremely disastrous, even life-threatening.

There was a similar fatal decision made in our country many years ago.  This decision also involved the changing of the source from which people were getting their nourishment.  The decision to make a change where children and youth received their education took place in the 1800s.  However, this decision had been debated for several decades leading up to this fatal decision.

From the early days of the founding of the country, children and youth received their education from two primary sources. These sources were the home and the church.  The education that children received from these sources produced a well-educated person who was also well-grounded in the Christian faith.

In the 1800s it was decided that a new source was needed in order to provide all children and youth with a “better” education. It was also touted as being more economical for all families as there would be “no cost” to this new source of education.  One of the major promoters of this new education was a man named Horace Mann.  John Blanchard shared Mann’s predictions about what would result from Americans switching to this new source of knowledge and wisdom in his article titled, Can We Live with Public Education?

If American taxpayers could provide education for every child in America, within a short period of time the effect of the public school system would empty all the jails and prisons in the country…Let the home and church teach faith and values, and the school teach facts.

The new provider of “free” education to all of the country’s children and youth would be the state or government.  This change in the source from which children and youth would receive their education would guarantee that the United States would remain to be a great nation for years to come.  This was a radical decision to say the least.  Professor of history of American education, Francis Curran, wrote about this decision to change to a new source of education for American children.

…a revolutionary development in the history of education and in the history of Christianity: the surrender by American Protestantism during the past century of the control of popular elementary education to the state…Only in the United States has Protestantism relinquished the traditional claim of the Christian church to exercise control over the formal education of its children in the elementary school…The Christian churches eventually agreed that the state must have an important place in the direction of popular elementary education.

In Jeremiah we see how God views it when His people make the decision to change the source from which they get their knowledge and wisdom.

For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.  Jeremiah 2:13 (KJV)

When the decision was made to change the source of our children’s education from the home and church to the state, Christians were in essence “forsaking God, the fountain of living waters.”  God made it clear that it was dangerous to change the source of this most important aspect of life.

The nation of Israel had, in essence, changed their water source, much like the city of Flint, Michigan had done.  God said that they had committed an evil act when they stopped going to the “fountain of living waters” for their knowledge and wisdom.  The second evil they committed was trying to make their own cisterns to hold water from another source.  The problem was that their efforts of collecting water were useless because anything they did on their own ended up cracked and could not hold water.

God’s people changed from drinking “living water” to drinking contaminated water from other sources.  I am sure that these sources seemed safe, reasonable and economical at the time. However, God made it clear that their other sources of water were not only dangerous but also useless.

Now what will you gain by traveling along the way to Egypt to drink the water of the Nile?  What will you gain by traveling along the way to Assyria to drink the water of the Euphrates?  Jeremiah 2:18 (CSB)

God asked His people what they thought they would gain by going to another source of knowledge and wisdom than what He offered.  The educational waters of the world (Egypt and Assyria) were contaminated and could not satisfy.

These two fatal decisions brought with them serious and destructive consequences on society. Next week I will look at the cover-up of Flint’s fatal decision.

Preparing Our Children For The Future

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Last week I shared how the majority of parents, church leaders and teachers believe that the main purpose of schooling is to prepare students for more schooling!  They may not articulate this as the main purpose of schooling but in practice this is the reality.  As a new school year begins, I believe it is important that Christians develop a few key objectives that should drive the education we give our children at home, church and school.  It is essential that these objectives are achieved if we are going to fulfill God’s purpose for education and correctly prepare our children for the future.

Goal #1:  Our Children Must Increase In Their Knowledge of God

There is no doubt about it.  All education involves the acquisition of knowledge.  However, too much of our educational efforts have to do with gaining more facts about a wide variety of topics.  Unfortunately, most of this effort to know more “stuff” does not provide our children with the God-intended meaning behind all the facts they are taught.  John Piper explains why just knowing the facts about something isn’t real education.

Modern people suppose that if they have the facts about a given thing, person, or event, they have the truth.  They forget that facts are not meaningless or value free, and that if we do not associate the meaning with the fact, we do not have the truth.

J. I. Packer reminds us of why God created man in His image.  He wrote,

Once you become aware that the main business you are here for is to know God, most of life’s problems fall in place of their own accord.

All of the teaching that we give our children should aim at increasing their knowledge and understanding of who God is.  This is what the Psalmist referred to in Psalm 19:1-4 and Paul was saying in Romans 1:20.  Everything our children study is part of God’s creation and should tell them something about who God is.  The late Albert Greene understood this when he wrote,

We must avoid the impression that academics represents the fullness of what school is all about.  Knowing God in and though the creation is what is important…It brings no honor to the Holy Spirit if we then proceed to treat the ordinary school studies, which are derived totally from the created world, as if they had nothing to do with God.  They are laden with meaning because they are all part of God’s way of giving Himself to us, of making Himself known to us.

Are your children increasing in the knowledge of God through their total educational experience?  If not, we aren’t preparing them for the real future.

Goal #2:  Our Children Must Hear God’s Call

In past posts I have shared how God places two calls on individuals.  The first call that God gives to all people is His call for them to be saved.  Scripture tells us that God is long-suffering because He does not want anyone to perish.  However, God also gives each person a specific call.  This is God’s call to a work or vocation.  We have lost the concept of vocation in today’s world.  Tim Keller explains this in his writings when he states,

We must recover the idea that work is a “vocation” or calling, “a contribution to the good of all and not merely…a means to one’s own advancement.”…Something can be a vocation or calling only if some other party calls you to do it, and you do it for their sake rather than your own.  Our daily work can be a calling only if it is reconceived as God’s assignment to serve others.

When the main purpose of schooling is merely preparing our children for more schooling, they may go through twelve or more years of schooling without ever understanding God’s purpose for their existence.  Kevin Swanson puts it this way.

A successful education is achieved when a child is prepared to make maximal use of his God-given talents and abilities in the accomplishment of the child’s calling…The challenge of the first eighteen years of a child’s education is to find that calling…A fulfilled life will be determined by whether he/she has centered in upon his/her calling.

Do your children understand how God has gifted them with certain talents and abilities?  Are they sensitive to God’s call on their lives?  This has to be part of every child’s education from infancy all the way to maturity.

Goal #3:  Our Children Must Pursue Biblical Excellence

In order to pursue true excellence, one must believe that there are absolute standards by which excellence is measured.  Unfortunately, today’s culture refuses to believe that there are absolute standards for anything, including excellence.  This means that excellence is totally relative and is only looked at from a horizontal perspective.  This results in people pursuing an excellence that is only based on “comparison” and “competition”.  One achieves excellence by being better or beating everyone else.  Even today’s western church has adopted this concept of excellence.

A biblical understanding of excellence begins by setting God, Himself, as the true standard of excellence.  Jesus is our model of excellence and our goal is to be like Him (1 John 2:6).  Biblical excellence requires that the primary focus must be on character rather than performance or achievement.  Our motive to be excellent in all things is to glorify God (1 Corinthians 10:31).   Gary Inrig explains how excellence in character is more important than mere perfection in performance.

…excellence of character rather than excellence of achievement must be the central concern of the believer…the priority of character is due to the fact that what a person is colors all that he does.

Performance takes on eternal significance when it is an extension of one’s godly character.  Consider the words of Darrow Miller.

Because redeemed man is working for God, to fulfill God’s plans, the work is to be done with excellence.  Our guidelines for excellence are found in God’s own nature.  God is true, just, and beautiful.  Our work, in both its means and ends, is to manifest truth, justice, and beauty.

Is the education you are giving your children teaching them that excellence is all about out-performing others?  Are you educating your children in a way that challenges them to pursue excellence of character which will result in their best performance possible for God’s glory?  We must realize that God’s excellence is not based on what He does but on who He is.  That is why He expects us to be holy because He is holy!

These objectives must define and drive the education we give our children at home, church and school.  If we do not achieve these objectives, our children will not be prepared for the future — regardless of what else they might learn!

Next week I will be spending time with my family over the Labor Day weekend.  Therefore, I will not be posting an article next Monday.  I look forward to being back with you on September 10th.  I pray your Labor Day will be a blessed one.

What Are We Preparing Our Children For?

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Over the past 2.5 weeks, I have had the privilege of conducting professional development seminars for nearly 700 administrators, teachers and parents from 15 different schools around the country.  During these sessions I asked a series of questions to which I received nearly unanimous answers.  As we discussed the purpose of education, I asked each group a simple question.  What does preschool education prepare the children for?  Without hardly any hesitation everyone in the session replied, Preschool education prepares children for kindergarten.  From this response, I concluded that parents and educators believe that all education is an effort to prepare children for something that they see as important in the future.  With everyone in agreement on this answer, I proceeded to ask a progression of additional questions.  Here are the questions and the answers I received.

  1. What does kindergarten prepare children for?  Answer:  Most said it prepared them for first grade while the others were more generic and said elementary school.
  2. What does elementary school prepare children for?  Answer: It prepares them for middle school?
  3. What does middle school prepare students for?  Answer:  Middle school prepares them for high school?
  4. What does high school prepare students for?  Answer:  High school prepares students for college?

Here is the conclusion I came to from these discussions.

The main purpose of schooling is to simply prepare students for more schooling!

I believe this is how most parents look at the education of their children and youth.  Parents send their children to school as early as possible.  Why?  So that they will be ready for more schooling.  In fact, if you ask parents if they want their children to get a good education, you will always get a strong YES.  However, when you ask them why they want their children to have the best education possible, the most common answer you will receive is so that they can get into a good college.  In other words, schooling has become an unending process of preparing our children for more schooling.  It is no wonder that so many graduates leave high school with no real purpose for their lives — other than to go to college.

When the purpose of schooling is to merely prepare a child for more schooling, the child fails to understand how he/she has been created by God for a purpose.  I have heard my friend, Pastor James McMenis, repeatedly saying, Every person is a PURPOSE with a name!

As a new school year begins across the US, I am challenging every reader to ask himself/herself a couple of questions?

  1. Am I simply trying to prepare my children/students for more schooling?
  2. What are some more meaningful purposes that should be the basis for how I educate my children/students?
  3. What do I need to change as I guide my children/students to understand their purpose as I teach them either at home or school?

Next week I will present a few goals that I believe must be the driving force behind the education we give our children and youth.  Please share your thoughts on this important topic below.

Created For Eternity

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I am amazed at how every person desires to live as long as possible.  Even the atheist wants to go on living though he says that he doesn’t fear death.  Whenever some disaster takes place such as hurricanes, earthquakes, or a terrorist bombing, every news station gives full coverage to the rescue efforts and the search for survivors.  Just recently there was daily news broadcasts that chronicled the rescue efforts of a boys’ soccer team that was trapped in a cave due to a flash flood.  This striving for life from when a newborn gasps for his/her first breath to when someone takes his/her last breath, the desire to live forever is a part of what it means to be human.

When God created man in His image, He did so by breathing into man His breath and man became a living soul.  Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived, talked about this unique characteristic of all human beings in Ecclesiastes.  In chapter 3, verse 11 we find these words.

 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. (NKJV)

In every human soul there is the awareness that there is something more than this life here on earth.  This is what gives man the hope that one day he can find fulfillment and satisfaction that is unattainable in this fallen world.  We must remember that man was never created to die.  Death was a result of the Fall.  However, even after sin entered the world, man still had that God-given awareness that he was designed to live forever.

Man was made for eternal things because we were created in the image of an eternal God.  Even though man was made for eternity, he cannot know what all God’s plan is from the beginning to the end. This is because man was made by the only eternal being — God, Himself.

Because every soul will live forever, it is important that we educate our children to know that there are only two options for where they will spend eternity — heaven or hell.  If we give them the best education possible and they find great success in life but don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, their education is worthless.  A biblical worldview education is aimed at preparing them for both this life and eternity.  Our children must know that they were created for eternity and because of what Christ did on the cross, they can receive the gift of eternal life and know that they will spend eternity in His presence.

Created to Create

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Man has the amazing ability to create pictures in the mind and then bring into reality what was imagined.  We see man’s creativity in manufacturing, art, literature, music, humor and the common activities of everyday life.  Every parent has probably experienced what happens when he/she purchases a nice gift for a child only to find the gift set aside and the child playing with the box the gift came in.

Understanding man’s creative ability is a topic that has captured the thinking of sociologists, psychologists, educators and theologians for centuries.  The creative nature of man baffles those who try to convince us that man has evolved form non-creative beings over millions of years.

The reality is that our imagination and creativity comes from our Creator.  Since man was created in the image of a creative God, man is the only being that can imagine and then bring into existence what he imagined.  Our creativity is a reflection of the very creative nature of God.  Of course, God is the ultimate Creator and the only One who can create things out of nothing.  Man can merely take what God has created and use those things to create something new.

God expects man to use his creativity to fulfill what is referred to as the Cultural Mandate recorded in Genesis.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”  So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”     Genesis 1:26-28 (NKJV)

God intended for man to use his creativity to rule over His creation as a steward.  However, with the Fall, man’s creativity would be used for both good and evil.  The creative mind of man developed such things as airplanes, computers and the cell phone.  However, man’s creative abilities were used to fly airplanes into the World Trade Center towers killing thousands; to use computers to transmit pornography into the minds of children, youth and adults at the mere click of a button; to use cell phones to captivate the waking hours  of life and destroy important relationships.

One of the most important uses of our creativity is found in man’s ability to create culture.  Darrow Miller in his book, LifeWork, states that God made humankind to be culture makers and it matters hugely what kind of culture we create.  Miller argues that God created man in His image desiring man to create a kingdom culture — culture that reflects the true nature and character of God.  Again, we must keep in mind that man will not automatically create this type of culture.  In fact, because of sin, man is bent toward creating culture that goes against the very nature of God.

We must remember that behind every educational effort there is some “god” that is feared, pursued and served.  This is a very important fact to keep in mind because the education we give our children will play a big role in determining what type of culture our children and youth will create.  Miller explains it this way.

Culture is a product of a people’s cult, or their civic religion.  It’s a reflection of the god they worship…culture is the temporal manifestation of a people’s faith…The cult [faith] leads to culture.  This, in turn, determines the kinds of societies and nations we will build.

In light of man’s ability to create, it is crucial that we provide our children and youth with a biblical worldview education.  This is our only hope to ensure that they will grow up to use their amazing ability to create for good and not for evil.  When we do this, our children and youth will be able to create a kingdom culture — a culture that will be created by image bearers of God reflecting His nature and character to a lost world.  What are we using our creative abilities to do when it comes to educating future generations?