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It Is Time For Action!

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When speaking at a worldview conference a few weeks ago, I shared the results from a 1993 report entitled, The State of Christian Education.  Over 500 Christian schools had participated in an evaluative assessment.  The schools were members of various Christian school organizations and the majority of schools had enrollments exceeding 200 students.  One of the alarming statistics in this report was that,

less than half of the parents who have students enrolled in our schools understand and can articulate the mission of Christian education.

After sharing this information, I asked the delegates if they believed the percentage of parents who understood the biblical mission of Christian education has increased, decreased or remained the same since the time of this report.  The response was unanimous.  The percentage of parents who understand the purpose of Christian education has declined since 1993.

I, then, shared another finding from this report.  The report stated that,

almost exactly the same percentage of Christian school teachers could articulate the philosophy and mission of Christian education.

I didn’t have to ask them if they believed the percentage of teachers that know, understand and are committed to a biblical philosophy of education has increased or decreased since 1993.  The silence that fell on the room had answered this question.

Throughout my many years in Christian education, there has also been a concern about the lack of support for Christian education on the part of pastors and church leaders.  It has always been baffling to me how so many pastors are pro secular education or simply silent on the issue.

One of  the foundation stones of Kingdom Education™ is the importance of the three-legged stool.  For Christian education to really make a difference in the next generation, the home, church and school must be united by a biblical philosophy of education.  Considering what I have just shared, the reality is that all three legs of the stool are either missing or severely weakened.  SOMETHING MUST CHANGE!

I am reminded of an article that Joel Belz wrote in 1993 for World Magazine.  The title of the article was, Too Little Too Late.  Belz predicted that,

Christian schools will be found overall to have done a very good job in terms of general education, but will be disappointed in terms of instilling a profound sense of Christian discipleship…Christian school graduates will increasingly outperform their counterparts from public education. But in terms of radical adoption of a Christian perspective on life, the differences — while definitely present — will be disappointing.

Having given my life to the cause of Kingdom Education™, I have to admit that Belz’s predictions have proven to be true.  I am so thankful for the improvement that has been made in the quality of teachers and instruction that has taken place over the past several decades.  I have had the privilege of speaking at many graduation ceremonies.  I am always amazed by the abilities and accomplishments of the students that I get to address at these events.  Christian schools are producing some excellent scholars that go on to accomplish much in every area of life.

However, when I look at the culture today and some of the findings that Dr. George Barna has found when studying the worldview of today’s Christians, I am deeply concerned.  This concern has only grown stronger when I see how false ideologies, such as Critical Race Theory and Social Justice, have crept into more and more churches.  Of course, there is still the reality that we are allowing over 1 million babies to be murdered while in their mothers’ wombs each and every year.

These concerns have had a firm grip on me for the past few years.  I keep thinking that we must get back to the basics.  Something must change in our homes, churches and, even, our schools.  We don’t have to change all the good things that are taking place.  But we must firm up the foundation or the future will be bleak.

As I shared in a blog several months ago, God led me to refine the mission I believe He has given me for Kingdom Education™ Ministries.  Simply stated,

KEM is committed to restore individuals, empower parents, engage the church, and transform schools through Kingdom Education™.

This driving force is what led me and others to hold the first ever Kingdom Education™ Summit this summer.  This event is an attempt to have the home, church, and school address the issue of education biblically.  It will not focus only on improving Christian schools but will be a deep dive into the biblical principles behind Kingdom Education™ and how these principles must be embraced by the home, church and school.

Joining me will be Dr. Sonny Sherrill, Ben Schettler and others who will lead the delegates in developing strategies for the home, church, and school that will result in a more effective effort to make disciples of the next generation.  Topics will include:

  • defining education, the kingdom of God, and Kingdom Education™.
  • identifying the essential truths of a biblical worldview
  • presenting the essential principles of a biblical philosophy of education.
  • four things that every young person must know.
  • the roles of the home, church and school when it comes to Kingdom Education™.

After each presentation at the Summit, there will be group sessions where delegates will develop strategies to empower parents, engage churches, and transform schools through Kingdom Education™.  A final strategy report will be developed from the work of the participants.  As the title of this blog states, It Is Time For Action!

I am excited to see not only Christian school leaders registered but also pastors and church staff members.  There have also been some individuals register who are not with either a school or church.  These individuals know that we must be more determined and united in our efforts to make disciples of the next generation.

It is not too late for you to be a part of this historic event.  You will find more information on the Summit by clicking here.  There is a special discount for schools that are KEM Prime Members.

I am thankful that the National Alliance of Christian Schools (formerly SBACS) is providing grant monies to its member schools to help with the expenses for attending the Summit.  To apply for this assistance contact NACS by clicking on this link, NACS Grant.

 My new two-book series, Understanding Kingdom Education™, is scheduled for release at the Summit.  These two new resources are companion books to Kingdom Education™ that will lead one into a deeper understanding of God’s plan for educating future generations.  A copy of each book will be given to all delegates.

If you share my concern for the next generation, I am asking you to do three things.

  1. PRAY for the Summit and ask God to guide in the final planning and to do a work in the hearts of all who will be attending.
  2. SHARE this blog with other parents, pastors and school leaders and encourage them to attend the Summit.
  3. JOIN us at the Summit.  Your voice is needed.

I have never been as burdened for future generations as I am today.  At the same time, I have never been more excited about and committed to the cause of Kingdom Education™.  I hope to see you in July at the Kingdom Education™ Summit!

More Lessons From History

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Last week I shared with you some of the lessons that God has taught me since I began teaching middle school history classes for the remainder of the year.  History is very important to God and our relationship with Him.  I shared two important lessons I learned in last week’s blog.  They were:

God is always working in history to fulfill one major purpose.  God wants the whole world to know that He is God!

History is a record of God’s works!

There was a third lesson that I learned in this past week’s history classes.

History reminds us of God’s standards!

As image bearers of God, we are to represent Him in all we do.  However, we live in a world where His standards are no longer known, much less obeyed.  When people forget God’s standards, moral decline is always the result.  Paul told the Corinthian Christians that the history lessons found in the Old Testament are there as examples for how we should live our lives.

Moreover, brethren, I do not want you to be unaware that all our fathers were under the cloud, all passed through the sea, all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink.  For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ.  But with most of them God was not well pleased, for their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.  Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted.  (1 Corinthians 10:1-6)

In this passage, Paul taught a history lesson to the church in Corinth.  In teaching this lesson, Paul reminded the people that the Israelites forgot one of God’s very important standards — obedience.  They had disobeyed God by not going in to take possession of the Promised Land.  The result of forgetting God’s standard was that a whole generation had to die in the wilderness; their bodies were scattered in the wilderness.

As we study history, we should try to see if people suffered because they failed to uphold some of God’s standards.  When we do this, we can avoid some serious consequences by not living our lives in line with His standards.

A final lesson I learned about history is this.

History is a record of God’s judgment!

All history is a study of the past and how God dealt with people in relation to how the people worshiped and obeyed Him.  This truth is clearly evident throughout God’s Word.  Consider the following passage of Scripture.

So I scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed throughout the countries; I judged them according to their ways and their deeds. When they came to the nations, wherever they went, they profaned My holy name—when they said of them, ‘These are the people of the Lord, and yet they have gone out of His land.’ But I had concern for My holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations wherever they went.  “Therefore say to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name’s sake, which you have profaned among the nations wherever you went.  And I will sanctify My great name, which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned in their midst; and the nations shall know that I am the Lord,” says the Lord God, “when I am hallowed in you before their eyes. Ezekiel 36:19-23

The prophet, Ezekiel, writes that God will judge people according to their ways and deeds.  If people profane His holy name by acting contrary to His precepts, God will always bring judgement on those people.  He does so for the sake of His holy name.  God will never allow His name, which represents His character, to be defiled.  When God brings judgement, He does so in order to sanctify My great name.

As I shared these four reasons why history is important to God, some of the students responded that they knew that God worked in history during the times of the Old and New Testament.  However, did He continue to work in the same way after the Bible was written and is He still doing this today?

This is when I referred back to the Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview that we had covered earlier.  The first truth is that God is eternal in both His person and His nature.  I reminded the students that since God and His character are eternal, He cannot change.  If He worked in certain ways to make Himself known in the history found in the Bible, He must be doing the same today.  If not, He has changed and, therefore, He cannot be eternal.

History becomes very important when it is studied in light of these four lessons.  This is the only way to fully understand history and, therefore, accurately interpret current conditions in the world and/or one’s country.  What is even more fascinating is that God works for the same purpose and in the same ways in our personal histories. 


What would happen if our students not only viewed the history of the world from this perspective but also their own history and where they are today?  I believe it would transform lives like we haven’t seen in quite some time.  I pray that you and I will never see history as simply a body of facts about people, places and events.  History is a record of God’s amazing plan for mankind!

Lessons From Middle School History Classes

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As I shared in last week’s post, I am teaching 6-9th grade history at our local Christian school for the remainder of the year.  It has been exciting to be back in the classroom and sharing truth with the students.  If you haven’t read last week’s article, I encourage you to do so.  You can access it HERE.  It is my desire to show the students how to study and interpret history through the lens of a biblical worldview.  I shared the 6 Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview in all my classes as we began to see how one’s worldview shapes one’s understanding of the past.

After doing this, I wanted to make sure that they understood how important it is for them to study history.  In the process of doing this, God taught me some very valuable lessons.  In fact, how I view history today has changed drastically and I don’t ever want to fall back into the mundane pursuit of knowing names, places, dates and events when studying any area of history.  Here are some of the lessons I have learned this past week when it comes to looking at history through a biblical worldview lens.

Lesson #1

It is important to know that behind all history there is a cosmic battle being waged.  This battle is between good and evil; God and Satan.  I was aware of the fact that there has been a cosmic battle going on throughout all the world ever since the Fall.  However, I never actually applied that reality to my study of history.

Lesson #2

When a person suffers amnesia, he/she suffers the loss of memories, such as facts, information, and experiences.  It is important to understand that when someone forgets the past or history, he/she has difficulty understanding the present.  This is because history helps us interpret the present and it can shape the future.  I realize that we are suffering from historical amnesia in our country today.  Because this is happening, the present doesn’t make sense and the future is being shaped in the vacuum of correct history.

Lesson #3

There are always people who are trying to redefine history.  By doing this, they can then explain the purpose of the present and shape the future to make it what they want it to be.  This is referred to historical revisionism.  This is defined as,

The distortion of the historical record such that certain events appear to have occurred and/or impacted history in a way that is in drastic disagreement with the historical record and/or consensus, and usually meant to advance a socio-political view or agenda.

It was eye-opening to help the students understand that each one of us is guilty of doing this at one time or another.  We have done something wrong and when asked if we did it, we change the actual history and present it from a distorted perspective for the purpose of trying to avoid certain consequences that we deserved because of our wrong actions.

Lesson #4

History is important to God!  That is a very simple statement to make.  But, can I support this from a biblical worldview and if I can, how does that impact my understanding of history?  In my study, I found that the word remember is found in 43 of the 66 books of the Bible.  In fact, this term is mentioned 178 times in the Old Testament alone.  This relates to the importance of history because the only thing one can remember is something that took place in the past (history).  You and I cannot remember something in the future.

In order to help the students understand that history is important to God, I searched the Scripture and discovered some amazing truths.  Let me share two of these truths with you in this post and I will share two more with you next week.

The first thing God showed me was this.

God works in history for one main purpose.  God wants the whole world to know that He is God!

Here are just a few times when this truth is made clear in Scripture.

  • When God led Israel through the Red Sea and caused the Egyptian army to follow them, He destroyed the entire army when the Red Sea returned to normal.  In Exodus 14:16-18, we find why God did this.  God states that He did this so that the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord.
  • David stood before the giant Goliath.  By all human measures there was no way that David could defeat this giant warrior.  However, David was confident that he would be victorious.  Why?  We find the answer in 1 Samuel 17:46.  David said, This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand and I will strike you and take your head from you…that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
  • We also looked at the battle between Elijah and the prophets of Baal on Mt. Carmel.  Elijah prepared the altar, soaked it with water and then prayed to God to send fire from heaven.  What did Elijah say that caused God to act?  Here is what he prayed.  Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are the Lord God (1 Kings 18:36-38)
  • Another example of this truth is found in Isaiah 45:1-6.  I encourage you to read this passage and see this same truth emphasized.
The next truth we studied about why history is important to God is summed up in this statement.

History is a record of God’s works!

Throughout Scripture I have read that problems always arise when God’s people forgot His works.  That is why we must try to see God’s works any time we study history.  Joshua made this clear when he spoke to Israel after God had brought them through the Jordan River.  His words are found in Joshua 4:20-24.

And those twelve stones which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up in Gilgal. Then he spoke to the children of Israel, saying: “When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’, then you shall let your children know, saying, ‘Israel crossed over this Jordan on dry land’; for the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which He dried up before us until we had crossed over, that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.”

Joshua not only taught that a memorial pile of stones was established as a record of the work of God that allowed Israel to cross the Jordan on dry ground.  He also tied this history lesson to an earlier historical record of God’s mighty handiwork that occurred at the Red Sea.  Today we don’t have a pile of rocks like Joshua set up in his day.  However, we have written records of history that should serve this very same purpose. Every record of history should be a memorial stone that reminds us of God’s works.

Over the next couple of weeks, the students will be studying different aspects of history.  Some will study Ancient History.  Another class will be studying South Carolina History.  Yet, another grade level is learning about United States History. Finally, one class will be engaged in World History.  Regardless of the specific course they will be studying, we are going to take every event and look for the following things.

  1. Can they see the cosmic battle between good and evil; God and Satan taking place in this event?
  2. Is there an effort to cause them to experience historical amnesia by distorting the actual historical record to further an agenda?
  3. How did God make Himself known as the true God in this historical event?
  4. What works of God are evident in what took place in this given time of history?

This week has been a powerful learning experience for me.  Middle school history classes have taught me some very important lessons that helps me navigate through the difficult times we find ourselves in right now.  I am more convinced than ever before that God is sovereign and in complete control of His entire creation.  I confident that He is working His perfect plan to completion right on schedule.  I pray my students will see history from a totally different perspective as we study the past with these truths in mind.


Worldview & Education

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There is no doubt about it.  One’s worldview impacts a child’s education.  As Christians, we should strive to make sure that a biblical worldview informs the education we give our children and youth.  Everything we teach our children and youth, whether it is at home, church or school, must be done in the context of a biblical worldview.

Over the past several months I have attempted to identify some essential truths of a biblical worldview.  Through my study of Scripture, I have found Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview.  These Essential Truths fall into the three components of a biblical worldview: Creation, the Fall, and Redemption.  These truths are as follows:

Understanding Creation:

  • Essential Truth #1 — God is eternal both in His person and nature
  • Essential Truth #2 — God’s creation is an expression of who He is and exists for His glory
  • Essential Truth #3 — Man was created in God’s image to know God, multiply His image and perform a work for His glory

Understanding the Fall:

  • Essential Truth #4 — Sin entered the world and man no longer would know God and give Him glory by studying what He had made. Man lost his purpose!

Understanding Redemption:

  • Essential Truth #5 — Eternal life restores man’s purpose to know God and give Him glory
  • Essential Truth #6 — To glorify God, one must live in such a way that His character is displayed and His praise is increased.

All subjects should be taught within the context of these Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview.  But what does this actually look like in everyday teaching?  Allow me to share with you something I have been working on recently.  When this blog posts, I will have begun teaching four classes in history to middle school students.  Last year, I had the privilege of teaching high school biology, chemistry and physics at our local Christian school.  Now I have the opportunity to fill in for a teacher vacancy at this school in these middle school subjects.

I have had to ask myself a simple question.  How should these Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview inform the history classes that I will teaching until the end of the school year?  The first question I had to answer was this.   Where should all history begin in light of a biblical worldview?  The answer is found in Essential Truths #1-3.

To fully understand history, one must start at the beginning.  Understanding history must begin with students learning that an eternal, self-existing God spoke the world into existence in six days.  Students must also understand the “why” behind creation which will, in turn, lead students to learn that God started time (history) for His glory.

Students must also realize that the history of the human race began with God forming Adam out of the dust of the ground.  Then man became a living soul when God breathed His breath into man.  Thus, history began with creation and it is only understood when one understands these three Essential Truths.

If students studied history only through the lens of creation, they would be puzzled as to why there is so much evil taking place throughout all of human history.  That is why Essential Truth #4 must also be grasped in order for students to fully understand and learn about history.

The Fall was the result of a cosmic battle between good and evil, God and Satan.  Therefore, all of human history must be viewed within the context of this cosmic battle that is always taking place behind the scenes.

Ever since the terrible day in the Garden when sin entered the world, history is rife with evil and hurt.  This is because history is the recording of man’s actions based on one’s beliefs or worldview.  Since every one of us is born in sin, we all do bad things.  We sometimes ignore certain realities in history that show the sinfulness of all people, even with those who were strong Christians.

When God gives us a history lesson in His Word, He doesn’t spare the reality of sin.  Reading about the lives of Abraham, Jacob, David, Peter, Paul and others, God presents the good, the bad and the ugly sides of these godly saints.  True history is a reminder that the entire creation groans under the curse of sin.

Finally, history must include the truths about redemption.  Yes, we live in a fallen world and we are all sinners by nature.  However, God has not forsaken His creation, including mankind.  God does not want any one to die in their sins and enter into eternal damnation.  Therefore, God sent His Son to shed His blood for our sins.

This is why any history we teach our children must be grounded in Essential Truths #5-6.  Eternal life restores our God-given purpose of knowing and glorifying Him in all of life.  These Essential Truths should shape any and all history that we teach to our children and youth.

However, these Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview must be applied to all education.  As you contemplate the depth of these truths, how will they shape your thinking and your teaching?  Kingdom Education™ requires that a biblical worldview undergirds and informs the entire educational process.



Concerned but Excited!

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I have heard more and more people talk about how the world seems to be spiraling out of control.  The reality is that God is in total control and is working His plan for mankind to perfection.  However, with all the craziness that is taking place, I have found myself becoming increasingly concerned about what is happening in the country, our homes, churches and Christian schools.

As a result of spending time in the Word and much prayer, I am excited to make two very important announcements about the future of Kingdom Education Ministries.  The first announcement is in regard to what God has shown me about Kingdom Education™ ever since my book was first published in 1998.

In my efforts to more fully understand God’s plan for educating future generations, He has shown me so many truths from His Word.  As I have presented some new concepts related to Kingdom Education™, I have been asked one question over and over again.  Am I going to update the book?

Well, I can now answer that question with a resounding yes!  A two-volume series titled, Understanding Kingdom Education™, has been written and is now at the publishers.  These two new resources will not replace Kingdom Education™: God’s Plan for Educating Future Generations.  They will serve as companion books that build on the foundation laid in my first book.

The first book in this new series is Understanding Kingdom Education™: A Challenge to the Home, Church and School.  This book presents several new concepts that I have learned over the past 20 years about how God wants us to educate future generations.  I have attempted to bring greater clarity to the principles found in God’s Word that are the foundation to my first book, Kingdom Education™.

The second book is Understanding Kingdom Education™: Following God’s Instructions for Educating Future Generations.  In this book, I do a deep dive in fourteen biblical principles related to educating future generations.  These principles provide parents, church and school leaders with the essential elements of a true biblical philosophy of education.  The book is designed to be used in homes, churches and schools to develop strategies for fulfilling the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.  It includes discussion questions that will guide parents, pastors and Christian educators in developing strategies to implement a comprehensive, intentional plan to follow God’s instructions about how to educate our children and youth.

This leads me to the second announcement I am very excited to make.  I will be launching the first ever Kingdom Education™ Summit this summer.  I have mentioned the Summit in a couple of earlier blogs.  Registration is now open and several ministries have already signed up to attend.  The Summit is the most important event that I have ever been a part of in my 50+ years of teaching.  Here is the reason why I make such a bold statement.

I have been burdened about two articles that I read which were written in 1993.  The first article was written by Joel Belz in World Magazine and was titled, Too Little, Too Late.  In the article’s summary, he wrote,

Christian schools will be found overall to have done a very good job in terms of general education, but will be disappointed in terms of instilling a profound sense of Christian discipleship.   On basic skill tests, SAT scores, and other standardized measurements, Christian school graduates will increasingly outperform their counterparts from public education.  But in terms of radical adoption of a Christian perspective on life, the differences – while definitely present – will be disappointing…where Christian schools are weak, they are weak because they have done little more than produce upgraded carbon copies of the public schools they seek to replace.

In that same year, I was given a small booklet produced by Development Marketing Associates.  This booklet presented the results of the Comprehensive Development Assessment that over 500 Christian schools participated in.  Two startling findings resulted from these assessments.

  • Less than half of the parents who had students enrolled in these schools understood and could articulate the mission of Christian education.
  • Almost exactly the same percentage of Christian school teachers could articulate the philosophy and mission of Christian education.

I just spoke at a Worldview Conference that Precept Marketing and BJ Press held at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, DC.  I asked the delegates if the above percentages of these two groups of people has increased, decreased or stayed the same concerning a biblical philosophy of education.  Every single person indicated that the percentage of parents and teachers who could articulate the philosophy and mission of Christian education has diminished over recent years.

At this same conference, Dr. George Barna shared recent findings of a major study conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University.  Here is a summary of what was found to be the worldview incidence in the United States in 2021.

  • Eastern Mysticism — <1/2 of 1%
  • Marxism — <1/2 of 1%
  • Nihilism — 1%
  • Moralistic Therapeutic Deism — 1%
  • Postmodernism — 1%
  • Secular Humanism — 2%
  • Biblical — 6%
  • No Strong Worldview — 88%s

Even though Christian education is making somewhat of a difference in the intellectual and spiritual lives of students, we are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation.  As individuals develop a worldview, their worldview always results in behavior that develops culture.  This means that when you and I observe culture, whether it is in society, the home, church or school, we are observing the predominant worldview that is held by the majority of the people.

Something must change!  The Body of Christ must address the issue of education biblically!  This is the sole purpose of the Kingdom Education ™ Summit.  Participants will answer such questions as:

  • What is education?
  • Is education and schooling the same thing?
  • What is Kingdom Education™?
  • What are the main things that every child must know in order to survive and thrive in today’s world?
  • What are the Six Essential Truths of a Biblical Worldview?
  • What are the 14 Essential Principles of a Biblical Philosophy of Education?
  • How do these Essential Truths and Essential Principles provide a biblical framework for educating future generations?
  • What strategies must be developed and practiced in the home, church and school in order to guide our children and youth to become disciples of Jesus Christ?
I am urging every person reading this blog to prayerfully consider attending this summer’s Kingdom Education™ Summit!  I need your voice to be at the table as we tackle these extremely important and vital issues.  Early bird registration ends May 1st.  Schools that are members of the National Alliance of Christian Schools (formerly SBACS) are eligible to receive grant monies to help with the costs for attending the Summit.  Kingdom Education™ Prime Members are also eligible for a discounted registration fee.


Finally, we are planning on releasing my two new books, Understanding Kingdom Education™, in conjunction with the Summit.  All attendees will get a complimentary copy of each book!

For more information about the Summit click HERE!  Remember God is in total control. However,  we must obey His Word and provide every child with a biblical education.  To accomplish this task, individuals must be restored, homes must be empowered, churches must be engaged and schools must be transformed through Kingdom Education™.  It is not too late but it must begin NOW!

All Education Is Religious!

By | Public Blog

There was a time in my life when I, like the majority of Christians, thought that there were some aspects of education that were spiritually neutral.  That has changed!  After being in professional education for over 52 years, I now know that there isn’t the smallest part of education that is spiritually neutral.  If fact, all education is religious.  This is true whether it takes place at home, church or school.

I am absolutely astounded that Christians will still put their children in secular schools when one considers the indoctrination that is taking place in these schools today.  I know; I have heard it over and over again.  “Our schools are good.”  Usually the person saying that is defining good by the level of academics, fine arts, technology or extra curricular activities offered by a school.  However, there is still an underlying “religious” worldview that permeates every school.  It is the worldview that will end up shaping the hearts and minds of the children and youth who attend there.

Education has always been a tool that has been used to shape society.  This was true when Nebuchadnezzer tried to educate the Hebrew young men that he had captured.  It is also seen in how Marx and Hitler viewed education as a means to control the populace.  Hitler once said, He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.

There are some common threads that were behind past government’s efforts to shape the minds of its youth and what we see happening before our very eyes today.  First, there is always an attack on the family.  Both Marx and Hitler knew that the key to controlling the future was to weaken or destroy the home.  Erwin Lutzer points out that this was because these men knew that children without family roots can be more easily directed toward secular values and state benefits.

Second, there is always an effort to control what is taught to the children.  Chuck Colson made this clear when he wrote,

One of the first actions taken by revolutionary governments is to place all educational agencies under the direct control of the state, giving schools a central hand in building a new society.

When the home is weakened and the government controls the education of the majority of the children, then future generations will become disciples of the society’s worldview.  Again, read carefully the words of Hitler,

The most striking success of a revolution will always have been achieved when the new philosophy of life as far as possible has been taught to all men, and, if necessary, later forced  upon them.

He explained this further in a replying to an opponent of his ideology.

When an opponent declares, ‘I will not come over to your side’, I calmly say, ‘Your child belongs to us already… What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”

William Foster (1881-1961) was an American Communist leader who wrote, Toward Soviet America.  In this book, he predicted how socialism would take over the country with these words.

 Schools, colleges and universities will be coordinated and grouped under the National Department of Education…The studies will be revolutionized, being cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the bourgeois ideology.

Today, we are seeing how the education of our children and youth is reshaping our country in dramatic ways.  Dr. Everett Piper recently asked and answered a very thought provoking question.   Wondering why our country is collapsing before your very eyes?  Answer:  What’s taught today in our classrooms will be practiced tomorrow in our culture.  Toby Sumpter recently tweeted, If religion is primarily about making disciples, government schools are the established religion of America.

Unfortunately, many parents today are not aware, or not interested in, what is being taught in secular schools today.  Even when the consequences of this indoctrination hits, many seem to simply shrug their shoulders and go on with their daily routines.  Here are just a few of the examples that have come across my desk in a matter of a couple of weeks.

  • In 2002, Canadian Pastor Mark Harding was found guilty because he opposed the promotion of Islam in the schools in his district, a privilege not given to Christianity, Hinduism, or Buddhism. His punishment was two years of probation, and he was subjected to more than three hundred hours of indoctrination by an imam as punishment.
  • In 2015, TN middle school students were required to write, “There is no god but Allah; and Muhammed is his prophet.”
  • In one sex education program, children as young as four or five are taught that parts of their bodies feel good when touched…this is called masturbation and they should always masturbate in private…By the second grade, they learn that the same act can be performed with a partner.
  • It has been reported that requiring students to use correct grammar when writing and/or speaking is oppressive and needs to stop.
  • Teachers have reported that they have been told to refer to students by their preferred gender names unless talking to parents when they are to use the students’ biological names.
  • A teacher in one public school asked those who were in favor of same-sex marriage to line up on one side of the room, and those who were opposed were to line up on the other side of the room.
  • A NC school system conducted teacher training on equity where they were told that the district’s “whitewashed curriculum was doing real harm to our students and educators.”  Teachers reported that parents should be considered impediment to social justice and teachers have an obligation to subvert parental wishes and beliefs.
  • Kindergarten students in a public school system in Western NY had to participate in a  lesson on “racist police and state-sanctioned violence.”
  • The Oregon Department of Education encouraged teachers to get training that was designed to “dismantling racism in mathematics.”  In this training a list of ways that “white supremacy culture infiltrates math classrooms” included “the focus on getting ‘right’ answers and students being reared to ‘show their work’.”
  • A Canadian father was recently arrested for protesting his daughter being given testosterone.  The daughter was advised by a school official to do so without informing the parents.
  • A group of current and former teachers in a Virginia school system compiled a list of parents suspected of disagreeing with the system’s controversial CRT teaching with the purpose to “infiltrate” them in an effort to silence these parents.
  • A NYC school encouraged students to stop saying ‘Mom’ or ‘Dad’.
  • A proposed ‘ethnic studies’ curriculum in CA urges students to chant to an Aztec Deity of Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism and engineer a ‘counter-genocide’ against whites.
  • A 2008 report by The American Textbook Council showed ten of the most widely used middle school and high school social studies textbooks “present an incomplete and confected [falsely constructed] view of Islam that misrepresents its foundations…in a 7th grade text “Islam is featured as a model of interfaith tolerance; Christians wage wars of aggression and kill Jews.  Islam provides models of harmony and civilization.”

These are just a few of what I have read about over the past few weeks.  Some others were so graphic that I couldn’t include them in this post.  Dr. Erwin Lutzer has summed this up with this warning.

The radical secularists demand that “schools must change their curricula to reflect this alternate view of society”…Parents—and I include most Christian parents—no longer raise their children.  Rather, culture does…Parents clothe their children, feed them, and send them to school, but the hearts of their kids are being stolen and molded by a world that many of us don’t understand.

These false religious worldviews are also creeping into Christian education.  Natasha Crain wrote an article for Cross Examined that challenges parents to be very careful about their choice of schools for their children. Crain had homeschooled her children for pre-K and then she enrolled them in a local Christian school.  She had decided to go back to homeschooling them when the middle school years arrived.

In this article, she wrote, Make no mistake: Curriculum is rarely worldview neutralShe went on to explain how the curriculum throughout secular schools is based on a humanistic, secular worldview.  Then she shared that in Christian schools “in many cases, they use secular textbooks and expect teachers to compensate in the class by talking about the subject from a Christian perspective.”

Then she said something that put a chill up my back.

Many teachers are simply not equipped themselves with this kind of understanding in order to fully counter what secular curricula teaches.  You end up with a tug of war between worldviews of the text and the teacher.

It is critical that all Christians address the issue of education biblically.  We must make some major changes if we are going to be able to stand against the onslaught of the radical secularists of today.  That is why I am encouraging schools to become a KEM Prime Member and provide your staff and parents with important worldview training.

It is also why I want to encourage school and church leaders to register for the Kingdom Education Summit this July.  This is one of the most important events that I have ever been a part of.  Register Today!!

More Powerful Than Words

By | Public Blog

It is well-known that words have power.  However, there is something more powerful than words when it comes to the education of children and youth.  What is more powerful than words?  It is the definition that one gives to words.

I have observed that many Christians do not give careful attention to the meanings of the words that they use in everyday communication.  This is especially true when they are teaching children and youth.  When one doesn’t carefully define terms when teaching others, the hearer can then define them as he wants to.

Dr. Albert Mohler explained how important language is to our everyday lives on his March 2, 2021 The Briefing.  He stated,

…we understand that language profoundly matters, at least a part of what it means to be human is to have the capacity of language. And we believe that is not unrelated to the image of God. We, as humans, are made in the image of God. God speaks to us. We pray to God. At least a part of what is required for human beings, according to God’s plan, is the ability to communicate. Language then becomes very important. And if you control the language, you do to a considerable extent control the culture.

Several years ago, Josh McDowell was making a presentation about how to relate to teenagers.  He told the audience that adults need to understand that there are two languages being spoken when they communicate with teenagers.  What he meant by this is that a word can be used but it may have two very different meanings depending on whether one is a teen or an adult.

To make his point, he used the word “tolerance” and explained how a teen will define this word versus how most adults define it.  As adults, we see tolerance as realizing that different people have different beliefs and values.  However, McDowell pointed it out that when a teen hears the word tolerance, he/she defines it this way.  People have different beliefs and values than what we might have.   However, tolerance requires that we consider the other person’s beliefs and values as being equally valid and, therefore, true.  To be tolerant to a teen might even require one to celebrate another person’s beliefs and values as being true even if they are contrary to Scripture.

I have found many Christians frequently use biblical terms without defining the true meaning of those terms.  Such is the case for words like faith, inspired, and the kingdom of God.  We use these words thinking that everyone knows what they mean.  In reality, many of us have never accurately defined these terms for ourselves.

Defining terms is extremely important in today’s educational world.  This is because the culture is defining words to fit its ideological worldview and, therefore, is winning the battle of ideas in everyday life.  For example, PETA recently posted the following statement (emphasis mine).

Words can create a more inclusive world, or perpetuate oppression.  Calling someone an animal as an insult reinforces the myth that humans are superior to other animals and justified in violating them.

There are some very serious implications to the words found in this statement.  PETA is stating that all human beings are merely one type of animal.  This is a direct attack on the truth that man was created in God’s image, apart from the animals.

Alisa Childers was recently a guest host for the Cross Examined podcast.  On this podcast, she quoted from Hillary Morgan Ferrer’s book, Mama Bear Apologetics.  Ferrer talks about linguistic theft or redefining words to get your way & avoid reality.  Ferrer defines linguistic theft this way.

Someone who purposely hijacks words, changes their definitions, and uses those same words as tools of propaganda.

We have witnessed this taking place in every area of life over the last few years.  The fact is that linguistic theft will eventually control society.  Again, read what Dr. Mohler warns us about on The Briefing.

If you’re redefining marriage, if you’re redefining parent and family, you are redefining civilization.

With these efforts by the world to control the culture by controlling language, Christians must be intentional in defining terms.  It doesn’t matter whether one is reading a book or magazine, studying a textbook in school, listening to a podcast or watching a movie or video.  We must define the terms correctly or else the world will do it for us.

There is another phenomenon that I have witnessed over the years.  Christians sometimes add to the confusion of language by not being consistent in their use of terms.  We actually use words and then give them different meanings in the same conversation.  Here are two cases to illustrate how this happens.

Defining “truth”

Christians believe that there is absolute truth that exists.  Truth is based on God’s unchanging character.  Jesus declared that He is the truth.  For something to be true, it must be absolute.  Noah Webster defined truth as,

Conformity to fact or reality; exact accordance with that which is, or has been, or shall be.

This is in direct contrast to how truth is defined in today’s postmodern culture.  Today, truth is no longer absolute.  One definition of truth found in a dictionary today is a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true.  One may hear such things as your truth— meaning that each person defines truth for themselves, based on their own experiences.

Several years ago, I was asked to review the book, The Limitations of Scientific Truth: Why Science Can’t Answer Life’s Ultimate Questions.  The author was a committed Christian and scientist.  His basic premise was very strong.  He wrote how science was a process of searching for truth but it will never lead to discovering absolute truth — especially when it comes to life’s big questions.

Men like Dr. Norman Geisler endorsed the book.  As I read it, I found myself agreeing with the book’s basic tenets but, at the same time, confused by how the term “truth” was used.  I want to point out that the author makes a very sound case that science cannot lead to absolute truth.  But, consider the following statements.

If what is scientific truth today turns out to be scientific falsehoods tomorrow, then what will happen to the scientific truths of tomorrow? The truths of science are constantly being revised.

In the end, who was right—Ptolemy, Copernicus, or Newton—or did Einstein give us the final and absolute truth? Each model of the universe was created with only partial truths that were later replaced by better, more comprehensive truths—or simply different truths.

This growing flux in scientific truth is beginning to have an impact on science…Thomas Kuhn explained how scientific truth changes through time.

The primary obstacle to harmonizing religious truth with scientific truth is that scientific truth is constantly changing.

When a person reads the statements above, he/she may end up agreeing with the postmodernist who says that there is no such thing as absolute truth.  However, truth doesn’t change.  If it can, it isn’t truth.  What each of these statements is really saying is this.

Man’s perception of truth about the universe etc. has changed as science has advanced.

There is no question that scientific “theories” have changed over time.  However, truth never changes.  This is one example how Christians can cause confusion by not defining and using terms correctly.  Here is another one that is being discussed on a daily basis in our country today.

Defining “race”

I am not trying to address such topics as “racism” in this post.  There is no doubt about the fact that all men are sinners and the Bible is clear that anytime one respects one person over another it is sin.  I am only using this term to show how Christians use terms that can cause confusion.

According to Scripture, there is only one race of people—the human race.

Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness…So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  Genesis 1:26-27 (NKJV)

He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and boundaries of their dwellings.  Acts 17:26 (NKJV)

God has made every one of us from one man—Adam.  He has even predetermined when and where we would live on earth.  Bible-believing Christians claim to believe that there is only one race—the human race.  Christians also believe that every single person finds his/her value and worth in the fact that each person is created in God’s image.

Even with this common belief, we cause confusion by talking about the need for the church to be multi-racial.  There is talk about how there must be racial reconciliation within the church.  Christians are saying how we must have racial diversity in our churches, schools and neighborhoods.  If there is only one race, multi-racial, racial reconciliation, and racial diversity become contradictory terms and, therefore, confusing.

Today’s cosmic war of worldviews may be won or lost by who defines the words used in the everyday battles of ideas.  As we educate future generations, we must not allow linguistic theft to control the narrative.  It is also absolutely necessary that we define terms correctly and use common language so that we don’t confuse our children and youth.

Words are powerful BUT the definitions we give words are even more powerful!


Silencing The Church!

By | Public Blog

I grew up outside of Buffalo, NY.  Our home was on the Erie Canal.  As many people know, that area of the country is known for its brutal winters with frigid temperatures and LOTS of snow.

As kids we would always get excited when the temperatures dropped and the canal would freeze over.  I would grab my skates and head out the door for some skating fun and possibly a little hockey.  Before the door closed behind me, I would hear my mother warn me to be careful, you may be skating on thin ice.  It was understood that if I got out on thin ice and broke through, I would sink into dangerous, frigid waters.

That warning became a colloquialism that I often heard from either my father, mother or one of my teachers.  However, this warning had nothing to do with winter and skating.  It usually was said this way.  “Young man, you better straighten up because you are skating on thin ice.”  I knew that if I didn’t change my attitude or behavior, I would fall through the ice and some serious discipline would come my way.

As I have been prayerfully preparing for this post and the next couple of articles, I have heard a little voice in my mind warning me to be careful you may be skating on some thin ice.  I am well aware that the topics that need to be addressed are controversial and could possibly cause offense.  So, I am praying that they will be read in the same spirit in which I am writing them.

Over the past several decades, I have witnessed an attempt by a segment of society to try and silence the church.  Recently, this effort has increased in its boldness and intensity.  When I say the church, I am referring to both all born again believers and all local churches.  In an effort to clearly identify the segment of society that is mounting this attack on the church, I will yield to what Dr. Erwin Lutzer wrote in his book, We Will Not Be Silenced.

We are in a firestorm for the future of America…My preference, then, is to use the term ‘radical secularist’ [referring to those who are attacking us] or, another familiar term, humanists.

These attacks on Christianity will continue to intensify as the country becomes more and more secularized.  As I have attempted to understand how this has been allowed to take place, I find that the church has brought some of this on itself.  This is because many church leaders and lay Christians have embraced a false belief system that has opened the door to this firestorm.  This belief system is called a dualistic worldview or simply referred to as dualism.

Dualism is defined as the effort to divide life into separate compartments and making decisions in each compartment by different worldviews or sets of beliefs.  The most common compartmentalizing of life is into the secular and the sacred.  In her book, Total Truth, Nancey Pearcey explains how Christianity has been marginalized in society due to dualistic thinking.

The most potent way Christianity is marginalized in modern society is through the division of life into two separate spheres: a sacred realm of prayer, worship, and personal morality against a secular realm of politics, business, academia, and so on.

I have long seen dualism manifest itself in lives of Christians when it comes to the area of education.  For more than 100 years, the vast majority of Christians have viewed the education of children and youth from a dualistic worldview perspective. Christians have embraced the belief that the home and church are responsible to provide spiritual and moral training for their children while, at the same time, the state has been given the responsibility to educate their children in the “academic” areas.

The consequences of the church trying to operate from a dualistic worldview continues to cause me great concern.  Dualism doesn’t just impact the education that our children and youth receive.  It is now causing major confusion in other areas of life.

If I made a statement that started with these words, the left’s agenda… or the progressive’s agenda…, what would you most likely think I am getting ready to talk about?   The most common reaction to statements that begin with these words is that I am going to talk about politics.  Words like “left” and “progressive” are seen as political ideologies.

When the subject of politics comes up, one may commonly hear things like this from Christians.  There are two things I never talk about with friends—religion and politics. Or, Christians shouldn’t get involved in politics.  This isn’t what the church is about. Still other Christians will make statements such as, The answer to our problems won’t be solved by who resides in the White House or who gets elected to Congress.

Now, all of these statements have some truth to them.  However, statements like these are evidence that Christians have embraced a dualistic worldview.  And by doing this, they not only apply this compartmentalization of life to education but also to government and politics.  But, there is a problem when we do this.

Government/politics is a very real part of every Christian’s life.  When we fall into the trap of believing life can be divided up into a secular and a sacred compartments, we are actually rejecting what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33.  This is a very familiar verse to most Christians and it is the foundational truth undergirding Kingdom Education™.

Jesus simply said that every Christian is to seek God’s kingdom as his/her highest priority in life.  Seeking God’s kingdom means that each one of us needs to submit to God’s kingly rule in our lives.  God did not create us as dualistic individuals where He wants to have complete rule in the spiritual compartment of our lives but isn’t concerned about how we live out our secular compartment.  He wants to be Lord of our lives—PERIOD!

Since government/politics is a part of real life, God doesn’t want us to leave it to the world.  No, He wants to reign in our lives as we make decisions about issues relating to government and politics.

You may be asking yourself, what does all of this have to do with the efforts to silence the church?  I hope I can explain myself in an understandable way.

Behind everything that takes place in history is a cosmic battle between good and evil; God and Satan.  Satan engages in this battle through his world system.  It is my contention that Satan knows that the  majority of Christians have placed politics in the secular compartment of their lives.  Over the course of many years, Satan has influenced worldly leaders to make a subtle shift or pivot in how people view certain acts.

Actions such as abortion, homosexuality, prejudice, stewardship of God’s creation, etc. have historically been viewed, and should be, as spiritual and moral issues.  Slowly but surely the enemy has moved these issues from the spiritual compartment to the secular one by making them “political” issues.

Whereas, Christians saw these actions as being sinful and, therefore, the church must stand against them.  The secularists have now put them into the political bucket.  Therefore, Christians should be silent about them and stick to things that have to do with their “religion.”  Out of fear of ridicule, being called a racist, or being labelled as a homophobic intolerant person, the church (Christians) have become strangely silent.  In his book, We Will Not Be Silenced, Erwin Lutzer says this about the church. To our shame we are afraid of the secular left.

The enemy has intensified his effort to silence the church by creating a new label for Christians.  This label is applied to all Christians who stand up for the truths of Scripture, especially on biblical moral values.  Since many of these issues are now considered to be “political” in nature, when a Christian speaks out on them from a biblical perspective, they are accused of trying to legislate their morality on others and wanting to make the country Christian.  Thus, they are now called Christian Nationalists.

The plot continues to thicken because the secularists have successfully tied “Christian nationalism” to a person, President Trump and, most recently, to the events of January 6th at the Capitol.  Since these radical secularists have effectively labelled President Trump a “racist” and “white supremacist”, then all Christians who publicly proclaim such things as marriage should only be between a man and a woman, that abortion is the murder of innocent children, and that there are only two genders—male and female are de facto “Christian nationalists” and are, therefore by default, racists, homophobic, white supremacists, and even Nazis.  Now, I am not denying that there are extremists on every side of every issue.  However, the radical secularists make these charges against all Christians who stand up and support God and His Word.

What is the result of this?  Christians feel embarrassed about defending biblical marriage, the sanctity of human life, a biblical understanding of gender, and other moral issues—we have become silent!  Lutzer explains all of this by saying,

Many Christians will not be talked out of their faith, but they will be mocked out of it.  Shame will cause many Christians to retreat into silence.

The final step in trying to silence the church is taking place at this very moment.  First, biblical moral issues became merely political issues.  Now, the radical secularists are taking these “political” issues and enacting them into laws such as The Equality Act. Once laws, such as this, are passed, biblical moral values will not be merely political issues to debate. They will be laws we will be required to obey.  Again, I quote Lutzer,

In a revolution, dissident voices must be silenced…There are two ways culture attempts to intimidate Christians. One is to criminalize what they say or do, the other is to shame them.

We are already seeing what Lutzer warns us about happening in Canada.  A pastor has been sitting in jail for more than a week. His crime was holding church in violation of Covid restrictions.  At his hearing, he was told that he would be released if he agreed to not pastor, preach or enter his church until his trial.  He would not accept those conditions and his appeal was denied.  He will remain in jail until his trial in May.  He would not be silenced.  Will we have this same boldness?

Because of the effort to silence the church, we must be prepared to obey God rather than man.  This is going to be especially true as these attacks impact education.  That is why I am asking Christian school leaders, pastors and church leaders and individuals committed to giving children a biblical worldview education to join me at this summer’s Kingdom Education™ Summit.  Don’t Delay! Register Today!


A Very Challenging Month!

By | Public Blog

Today is March 1, 2021.  It is hard to believe that February is over.  As I sit here writing this week’s blog, I find myself reflecting back on February as one of the most challenging times of my life.  It is hard to believe all that happened in just 28 days.

February 2021 was a month when I was immersed in some of the most intense reading that I have ever embarked upon.  I read numerous articles on such topics as Critical Race Theory (CRT), Marxist philosophy, synchronism in Christianity and the Equality Act.  At the same time I read two books by Dr. Erwin Lutzer—The Church in Babylon and We Will Not Be Silenced.  I encourage you to take the time and read these books.  I also listened intently to a couple of podcasts.  One of these podcasts, Just Thinking with Darrell Harrison and Virgil ‘Omaha’ Walker, took several times listening to it in order to really digest all their research on the principles behind Critical Theory (CT) and how it evolved into CRT.

Even though I was challenged by these things, what really burdened my heart was the time I spent in God’s Word throughout the month.  I can’t remember a month when I was in God’s Word more than I was in February.  My reading for the month started in Judges and continued through the book of Nehemiah.  The history of Israel covered in these 10 books of the Bible showed me God’s justice and His loving kindness like I have never seen it before.

I was amazed to see how God’s people continued to forsake Him over and over again.  Each time that they would turn to the false gods of the world, God would bring judgment upon them.  Then, they would cry out to Him in distress and He would deliver them from their oppression.  Finally, God allowed Israel to be taken captive by Babylon and this captivity would last for 70 long years.

It is true that the United States isn’t the same as the nation of Israel.  However, since God is immutable, He doesn’t change.  This means His person doesn’t change nor His ways.  God will judge His people (today’s church) the same way He judged Israel (His nation).  When we turn to God and obey His Word with our whole heart, He will bless us and deliver us from those who want to destroy us.  At the same time, God will bring judgement on us when we embrace the false gods of this world.

Two other things took place in February that rocked my world.  The first was what one Congressman said in an interview a few weeks ago.  This interview took place immediately following the Senate’s vote on the second impeachment of President Trump.  Representative Eric Swalwell was being interviewed by a news reporter about the vote.  I was taken back when I heard Swalwell’s response (emphasis mine).

We could have called God, herself, as a witness….

I thought that it couldn’t get worse until I watched a video clip covering the House floor debate concerning The Equality Act.  Representative Greg Steube was explaining the evil of this piece of legislation.  In his remarks, he read several passages from Scripture to illustrate how God looks at human sexuality, including gender.  After his remarks, Representative Jerry Nadler went to the microphone and made this statement (emphasis mine).

…what any religious tradition ascribes as God’s will is no concern of this Congress.

All I could do was bow my head and cry out to God—have mercy on us!  Lutzer shares his concern about our country in his book, The Church in Babylon.  He stated,

What concerns me is the death of Christian America.  Many of the biblical values upon which America was founded are no longer being allowed to shape our laws and our lives.

We better be prepared to walk through some very challenging and, maybe, dangerous times in the days to come.  Lutzer explains that,

when God judges a nation, the righteous suffer along with the wicked…There is a cost to living authentic lives of holiness in a godless culture.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be addressing some very serious and somewhat controversial topics in these weekly posts.  Whenever I speak or write, I do so with fear and trembling.  Words are powerful and they can shape culture like nothing else can.  Last week I read a post on social media.  I don’t recall the entire quote but the first half of this person’s statement caused me great alarm.

CRT provides a lens that can help us understand what the Bible says about loving our neighbor.

This person had it all backwards.  Something a human being writes should never be a lens by which we interpret God’s Word.  God’s Word is and must be the only lens that can give true meaning to any thing man writes or produces.

I learned this fact many years ago.  I had just finished producing a paper on how the relationship between the sun, moon and earth relates to God, a Christian and the world.  When I completed this, I shared it with one of my heroes in the faith, Dr. Roy Lowerie, Jr.  Dr. Lowerie reviewed it and handed it back to me.  Then, in his deep voice, he simply said, “Glen, this is good but remember only God’s Word is inspired.”

As we strive to provide future generations with a biblical worldview education, we must make sure that we use God’s Word as our lens to understand the truth about all areas of life.  Only then will we be able to do what Dr. Lutzer stated,

Like Israel in Babylon, our challenge is to impact the culture without being spiritually destroyed by it…Our task is to be faithful even if we can’t restore the erosion of the Judeo-Christian consensus.

I want to encourage every Christian school to register for this summer’s Kingdom Education Summit.  At the Summit, we will be taking a deep dive into understanding and embracing Kingdom Education™.  There is no doubt about it—education, especially schooling, is going to undergo significant challenges in the days ahead.  Christians have to know how to educate the next generation so that they will be able to survive living in Babylon.

KEM Prime Members receive a special discount for attending the Summit.  Members of the National Alliance of Christian Schools (former SBACS) can receive partial grants to help cover the cost of registration.  The early bird registration fees will expire soon. CLICK HERE to find out more about this exciting event.

Where Are The Fathers?

By | Public Blog

We are living in a pagan culture that is dominated by political correctness.  It is a culture where males want to be females and vice versa.  Even the 117th Congress of the U.S. will no longer use words such as brother, father, mother, sister, etc.  Instead, it will use terms that are gender neutral such as parent and sibling.  Well, this post is not politically correct.

God’s Word makes it clear that there are only two genders — male and female.  The Bible also sets forth God’s ordained structure for the family.  It is a mother and a father and their children (as God provides them).  It is paramount to understand that both males and females are equal in God’s sight.  However, it must be understood that God designed different roles for men and women.

Last week, I shared how we have to build strong families while living in a Babylonian/anti-Christian world.  In his book, The Church in Babylon, Erwin Lutzer makes the point that only strong families can weather the cultural storms of Babylon.  Lutzer referenced Jeremiah 29:6 to back up his statement.  God knew that with strong families, God would have future seed through which He would advance His kingdom.

It is the parents’ responsibility to have children and raise them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  However, God designed the family for the father to be the spiritual leader of the home.  This is why Lutzer wrote,

The father led his family in the Passover rituals; fathers were charged with  teaching children the Word of God. And God knew that with strong fathers, grounded in the Word of God, these families could survive paganism.

There are numerous passages of Scripture that makes it clear that God holds parents accountable for the education of their children.  However, God’s Word particularly calls fathers to be accountable to Him for how children are educated.  This is clearly seen in passages such as Psalm 78:1-8, Ephesians 6:4 and Colossians 3:21.  In the book of Proverbs, Solomon gives instruction to his son. When God wanted a people to call His own, He choose Abraham.

For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice, that the Lord may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.  Genesis 18:19 (NKJV)

God chose Abraham because He knew that Abraham would lead/teach his children and his entire household to keep the way of the Lord.  There is no question that Sarah would play an important role in raising Isaac but Abraham, the father, was responsible to God that this was done.

Herein lies the problem today.  Fathers are absent in their children’s lives!  The result of this is devastating.  Consider these troubling statistics from the National Center for Fathering and The Fatherless Generation.

  • 85% of youths in prison come from fatherless homes.
  • 71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes.
  • 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes.
  • Nearly 25 million children live without their biological father.
  • 60% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes.

In 2001, former President George W. Bush said this about the crisis of fathers being missing from action.

Of these, five out of six do not see their fathers more than once a week.  And 40 percent of children who live in fatherless households have not seen their father in at least a year.  Some fathers are forced away by circumstances beyond their control, but many times when a couple with children splits up, the father moves away or simply drifts away.  We know that children who grow up with absent fathers can suffer lasting damage.  They are more likely to end up in poverty or drop out of school, become addicted to drugs, have a child out of wedlock, or end up in prison.  Fatherlessness is not the only cause of these things, but our Nation must recognize it is an important factor.  There is a familiar litany, but behind every statistic is a child, and a compassionate society can never forget the large place a father occupies in that child’s life.

In 2008, former President Barack Obama sounded a similar warning.

If we are honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that too many fathers also are missing — missing from too many lives and too many homes.  They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men.  And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it…We know the statistics — that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and twenty times more likely to end up in prison.  They are more likely to have behavioral problems or run way from home or become teenage parents themselves.  And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it…We need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception.  We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have child — it’s the courage to raise one.

The key to surviving in today’s anti-Christian, postmodern culture is to have strong families and fathers must step up to plate.  The enemy knows that he cannot win if the family is strong.  This is why he has waged war on the family.  This isn’t new but it has intensified beyond description over the past 75+ years.  In his book, We Will Not Be Silenced, Erwin Lutzer explains how the family is and has been under attack.  He outlines how Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, launched a newspaper, The Woman Rebel, in 1914.  Her motto in doing so was “No Gods, No Masters.”

Her cry for “reproductive freedom” would lead to the demise of the biblically ordained home.  Lutzer wrote,

The home would no longer consist of a father, a mother and children.  Liberation meant equality of roles, equality of income, and equality of sexual freedom.  The biblical roles of marriage and faith in God were deemed obsolete and harmful…Children without family roots can be more easily directed toward secular values and state benefits.

This attack on the home, especially the lessening of the role of fathers, is also seen in organizations today.  The “organization”, Black Lives Matter, posted on its website,

We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another…We foster a queer-affirming network.

The “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure” is really the God-ordained and designed home.  In order to build strong families, fathers must not only be present but must also be the driving force in raising their children.  Lutzer explains how parents (particularly fathers) are held accountable by God for the education of their children.

When living in Babylon, there will be a cost to living authentic lives of holiness.  We no longer have any support from society.  We are, in many ways, facing the same thing that Israel faced when they were taken away into captivity.  Lutzer explains that when in Babylon, God is still there and wants fathers to be fully engaged in their children’s education.

God basically said to fathers, “I’m going to entrust large families to you, and My presence will be with you in your homes.  You no longer have a temple and sacrifices, but I will be among you.  And if you adhere to me and seek my face, I’ll give you the wisdom that you need to rear your children for the glory of God.

Three of the saddest passages in the Bible explain how the next generation suffers when fathers are not fulfilling there God-given responsibilities in the home.  Every time I read these I become frightened about my failures as a father.

And your sons shall be shepherds in the wilderness for forty years, and bear the brunt of your infidelity.  Numbers 14:33 (NKJV)

And may not be like their fathers, a stubborn and rebellious generation, a generation that did not set its heart aright, and whose spirit was not faithful to God.  Psalm 78:9 (NKJV)

And the Lord said, “Because they have forsaken My law which I set before them, and have not obeyed My voice, nor walked according to it, but have walked according to the dictates of their own hearts and after the Baals, which their father taught them.  Therefore thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Behold, I will feed them, this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.”  Jeremiah 9:13-15 (NKJV)

What are we, as fathers, teaching our children by our words and actions?  How involved are we in their education wherever it takes place — at home, church or school?  I leave you with a quote by a dad,


The key to understanding that our children don’t belong to us — they belong to God.  Our goal as [fathers] must not be limited by our own vision.  I am a finite, sinful, selfish man.  Why would I want to plan out my children’s future when I can entrust them to the infinite, omnipotent, immutable, sovereign Lord of the universe?  I don’t want to tell God what to do with my children — I want Him to tell me!  Voddie Baucham